As I've gotten older (45) for me it's seeing the results if I don't work out. I can gain 10-20 lbs in the blink of an eye and it takes twice as long to take it off. Additionally can't just start working out in June like I used to and be elk ready by Sept.
Boot camp 2X per week. Instructor is a big fan of air squats. Don't sound too bad until you do about 100 of them. Lift 2X per week mostly upper body 1 set of each lift until failure shoot for 25 reps/lift, 20 air squats and push ups between lifts for a total of 60 finish up with 20 minutes of...
I've used both Sand and Fertilizer. I like the sand the best for weight to bulk ration. From experience if using sand double bag it. Sand is a pain in the A@@ to get out of your backpack.