Search results

  1. Bhatch

    Kifaru Frame Length? Load lifters?

    How much you think the frame will stick up above my shoulders. I hunt some pretty thick places and alot of mt laurel. I packed out 92.8lb thursday of bear meat/hide/skull in an old badlands 2200. It wasnt ideal but i made it work. The “load lifter straps” on it are roughly 1.5 in above my...
  2. Bhatch

    Kifaru Frame Length? Load lifters?

    6’0”. 230lb 30”inseam and 20 1/2 in torso( i think im measuring correctly)
  3. Bhatch

    Kifaru Frame Length? Load lifters?

    Im about to purchase a kifaru tactical frame and i have questions on the frame height and loadlifter function. Besides the fit of based on torso length how important is loadlifter height over the shoulder? im wanting to use this pack for all my hinting from eastern dayhunts to elk hunts. I dont...
  4. Bhatch

    Best Kifaru setup for elk hunting

    Thanks for the help.
  5. Bhatch

    Best sleeping pad?

    Thanks for the help? Any advice on field repairs on the inflatable pads? Ive spend many nights on leaky air mattress’s and i was wondering if non inflatable would be better?
  6. Bhatch

    Best Kifaru setup for elk hunting

    Which large kifaru bag has the best organization?
  7. Bhatch

    Best sleeping pad?

    Best sleeping pad for back country?
  8. Bhatch

    Best game bags for boned out meat?

    Whats the best gamebags for boned out meat?
  9. Bhatch

    Best Kifaru setup for elk hunting

    Also i meant to ask i most of you prefer a bigger bag or a smaller bag with add on guide lid and etc. Ive seen people use smaller bag with dry bag between it and frame with their camp. I dont know just seems like one big bag would be easier.
  10. Bhatch

    Best Kifaru setup for elk hunting

    Looking for kifaru setup for elk hunting. Im going with the duplex frame but i dont know what bag setup i should go with. I want to be able to use it from day hunts to 5 or 6 day hunts.