That’s weird, I’ve had them pay prior to shipping the item lately. eBay really sucks these days (fees, inconsistency , new rules etc) I don’t use them any more than I have to.
I mean, there was a guy that went and looked for the location of a big foot sighting because of a forum post. Who's local to this shit show that wants to go find the other buck?
The 16 minute clickbait youtube video about "the great deer heist" by an obscure influencer peddling gold and silver investments at minute 4 might be the cringiest thing I've seen today.
Hit it harder and find another one. Or the same one. If you got in kill range of one figure out what you did right learn from what you did wrong and get after it. There’s another opportunity out there somewhere.
I mean, I know ALOT of people who shouldn’t shoot beyond 100 yards. I realize there are guys that CAN shoot to 600 and beyond, but the cavalier attitude by both parties about the range looses me.
Coming from a trapping family, I've got respect for anyone thats willing to keep on with the pursuit in the current political/social climate. Its a shame but its cool to see what people do to adapt and overcome.
Talked to a guy in Washington state that was into bobcat trapping, similar...
There's some you tube videos on it, I would think getting the correct camera arm would make life easier, seems like they usually throw in a few go pros for good measure. I've played around with GoPros, for up close they are simple and you can turn them on via the app on your phone, I had a buck...
Usually quite a few spots to camp, watch out for the distinctions between Federal, WMA's, etc. Most place you can't camp will be posted as such. After opening weekend things tend to clear out and just about any old log landing works well.
Listening to a podcast today, sounds like onX is offering custom imagery requests, haven’t looked to see what the price tag is but they said you pick what you want, send the request and they get the imagery in a few days and it’s part of your layering.
Sit down and sketch out how you plan to use it, how many rigs you want to park, storage area, work area, etc. Ive got a 30x50 heated shop and would kill for a 40x60.
My uncle does these leather wrapped skull caps, he basically cuts a small chunk of plywood as an outline, screws the skull to that, then covers it in plaster of Paris and gets the shape to wrap the leather around and tacks it. He puts a lot of them on bigger plaques but this is my preference.
I was hunting on my first western hunt 15 years ago on a Combo OTC Colorado drop camp hunt. We ended up tagging out on mule deer, but in my uncles words "I know guys who hunt sheep in flatter country than this" On the 3rd day I'd worked my way up to a spot I'd last seen the group of bucks we...