Search results

  1. M


    3.5 miles with 45 pounds
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    Pseudo-rest day. Mobility 100 pull-ups. Chasing wolves tomorrow.
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    20 min of hip mobility 5x3 zercher squats 5x5 tempo RDLs 5x10 banded hamstring curls 2x20 upper back thing
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    4 miles with 30#
  5. M


    3x8 bench with cambered bar 3x8 OHP with axle bar 3x8 bent over row with axle bar 3x15 DB lateral raises 1:00 dead hang
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    Hiked with the family this morning a couple miles. Then did a 30 min swim this afternoon.
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    Walked a few miles this morning. Tonight: 30 minutes of mobility 5x5 zercher squats 5x6 RDLs with axle bar 3x10/each weighted single leg glute bridge
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    10 miles in 30:28 on chrono bike. Will get some mobility in tonight
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    5x15 seated dumbells cleans 5x8 incline DB press 5x10 tricep push down 5x3 weighted pull-ups
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    2 miles with 65# 4x10 chin-ups Lots of stretching and mobility
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    Not much energy or time tonight. 15 minutes of hip mobility All with axle bar: 4x5 zercher squats 3x5 deadlifts Wolf season is open here now. Pumped to get out now that the ticks and horseflies are gone for the year.
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    1km on the treadmill at 15 incline carrying a 25# DB then five sets of dips, five sets of abs and PT
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    Spent the afternoon indoor rock climbing. Haven’t done it since I was a kid. Enjoyed it more than I expected and it’s a wicked workout
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    Morning: 15 minutes of mobility Afternoon: 15 minutes on treadmill at 15 incline. Straight into five rounds, no rest 10 DB shoulder press 10 DB RDLs
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    On the road all week. Making do with what I’ve got. 15 min AMRAP 5 strict wide grip pull-ups 10 sissy squats 10 back extensions
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    IT Band Issues with knee

    I finally went to a PT after struggling with it for years. Rolling and stretching did nothing for me. Determined that it was caused by a very tight hip and have been doing strength exercises and dry needling to increase mobility and strength. I wish I did this 8 years ago. Your IT band isn’t...
  17. M


    Was off the grid for the weekend. Back at it early this morning. Hip/knee PT 3 miles with 45#, then straight into some reverse crunches and pull-ups.
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    Strength: 5x5 bench 5x6/each single arm strict press 3x8 bent over rows
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    20 minutes walking with a 70# vest and 53# kettlebell, changing hands as needed but not putting it down.
  20. M


    Lower body strength Warmup: 15 min PT and a ten minute walk with the dog 5x10 banded hamstring curls 5x5 Zercher squats 5x5 single arm/leg KB RDLs Tempo pull-ups (3 sec up/3 down) 3x5 Finally able to squat again after some intense PT on my hip/knee. Easing my way back into it