I know this post is a little old but I just replaced my Leupold with the Ranger and it seems to be working great! I actually had both units for about a week and compared them over a few weekends. The greatest variance I got was 2 yards at a shed, the Ranged showed 889 and the Leupold 887. I...
Thanks for the info! I've been pouring over the game and fish site reading about all of the units and 28 and 31 seem like they'd be fun. I plan on doing an OTC tag this upcoming Jan. This is a hunt I've always wanted to do, finally got some time to do it. Unfortunately I won't have time...
I am also going on my first AZ hunt this Jan! Does anyone have any input on units 28 or 31? Are there decent deer numbers in those areas or are the areas further south a bit better like 33, 34's? Not looking for honey holes just some general direction on deer numbers? Thanks for the help!
Don't have any field pics of my cow I shot in CO as it was pretty hot and I got to work deboning ad getting her to the truck and on ice. I do have a few pics with her loaded in the pack.
Well I had an awesome bow season this year! With coming back to a mad house at work and also taking a week long family vacation I finally will get to post some pics!
I had 4 tags this year: WY Antelope, CO Deer & Elk and WY Elk
WY Antelope - After waiting for three years, I finally drew a...
Bad feeling for sure but it just makes it that much sweeter when it happens. Good luck on your AZ hunt, always wanted to go down and do that hunt. I may do it if I don't tag one here in CO!