I have used the 2.5" Vanetec V-Maxx's for several years with mechanicals. I put as much helical on them as I can, they steer smaller fixed heads pretty well, but really shine with mechanical heads. If I'm shooting fixed heads I will use the 3" Vanetec V-Maxx again with as much helical as I can...
I have used a Limb Driver for the past few years, but am looking for something new this year. It is a nice rest, but does adjust as smoothly as I would like.
Jesse's technique is to add a little more tension against the back wall when shooting in the wind. I tried it a bit this week in Northern Arizona while on vacation and found it to be pretty effective.
I read a discussion that a few guys had with Jesse Broadwater on AT this week. He said that he puts additional tension on the wall when shooting in the wind.
I have never had a reason to take my Tight Spot off. I probably should have last year on a big 4x5 in a strong side wind, but he didn't stick around long enough for it to matter. My bow is set up to balance and aim with the quiver on.
I have been working on mine a bit lately. I have transitioned from the 30x's that I shot for indoor 3D to Gold Tip Kinetics to better buck the wind. I will obviously give up line cutting, but it is just a little too windy in Colorado for the fat shafts, IMO. I am shooting my Matrix +, with Bee...
I usually cap out around 125 or 130 depending on the bow. I would try a different sized peep and move it in a little closer to the bow. That would be a very inexpensive way to experiment. See if there is any accuracy loss over a few days of shooting and decide from there.