Search results

  1. J

    WTT 300 PRC brass ADG f/Lapua

    I have 100 new never fired ADG 300 PRC Brass. I would like to trade for Lapua brass on same condition.
  2. J

    WTS Magpul RAP Short action stock

    I have a lightly used Magpul RAP stock in gray color. Has detachable mag included. This is the Short action model. Looking to get $225
  3. J

    WTS Kestrel Sportsman 5700 $240

    Still available?
  4. J

    17 Hornet

  5. J

    17 Hornet

    Thanks guys. Anyone with pelt damage pics.
  6. J

    Rain pants

    Love my First lite pants.
  7. J

    Phone / scope adapter recommendation

    I really like Phone Skope. Have been using them for the past 3 years.
  8. J

    Nevada 113n

    Find water or their transition travel routes. Water is your best friend though.
  9. J

    Guesses on what he scores?

    Looks pretty tall what state?
  10. J

    Show Your Truck Bed Storage/Camping Mods

    Think I need something like that for my long bed. I usually just use my 9 yr old son. Lol
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    Pack squeak cure

    I like using bow wax on a lot of different parts to “lube” them.
  12. J

    Anyone got a diy sling option for .22 rifle?

    That is pretty slick might have to give that’s little try even for my sons Nerf guns. Lol
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    17 Hornet

    Looking at the 17 Hornet for a fun gun and predators Fox and Cats and the occasional coyote. Anyone have true experience with this round and predators?
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    NV predators

    Who’s out in NV hunting predators?
  15. J

    New saying hello

    Hello from NV. Anyone from NV Las Vegas area?