Search results

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    WTS Federal Terminal Ascent 175grain 308Win.

    I’ll take it. PM coming.
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    WTB Tikka M595 and M695

    Just like the models and how well they are built.
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    WTB Tikka M595 and M695

    I’m looking for some Tikka M595 and M695 rifles in 308 and 30-06 calibers (would consider other calibers as well) in excellent condition. Would take both Left-handed and right-handed models. Please PM me with what you have. Thanks!
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    WTB Tikka M595 in 308 LH or RH

    Hi all, I'm looking for a left-handed or right-handed Tikka M595 in .308. I do have a Tikka M695 in 7mm Rem Mag that I would consider trading. PM me with what you have.
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    Wife got it done tonight...

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    Score this buck

    Agree with others...130 gross.
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    My 2020 Oklahoma buck

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    Wife got a nice one

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    What are you getting your wife for Christmas this year?

    My wife got an Apple watch for Christmas...but good news is I got a new rifle so the trade-off was definitely worth it!
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    Canadian Boarder opening?

    Let's hope so!
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    New truck prices

    It is crazy! Hopefully things settle down in the next six months for used vehicle prices.