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  1. 3

    NM Attempts to Abolish Game and Fish

    Having worked for several old Wyoming ranchers in my youth, and known quite a few more, I don't doubt that's exactly what he did say. Was this an Arizona rancher? If so, he's going to be frustrated because "El Tigre" is starting to drift back in. Slowly, to be sure, but it appears he's...
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    NM Attempts to Abolish Game and Fish

    I believe you are right. I believe wolf hunting could be expanded without harming the long term health and viability of the population.
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    NM Attempts to Abolish Game and Fish

    Near as I can tell, they seem to like to go to various Rocky Mountain states to pee "Texas #1" in the snow.
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    What food and drinks local to your area?

    Wyoming Whiskey. I tried it once and didn't like it. Reckon I'm just not a connoisseur. Also, "calf fries" aka Rocky Mountain Oysters. This has got to be our version of chitlins. People seem to want to try them once for the novelty of it.
  5. 3

    Wyoming shed hunting update

    House Bill 276. It isn't law yet, but I suspect it stands a good chance.
  6. 3

    Wyoming shed hunting update

    They are still antlers, so I believe it's substantially the same. But your viewpoint is an argument that could be made in court by a group that wanted to bring a case.
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    Wyoming shed hunting update

    Wyoming does not have a state income tax like Wisconsin. So I truly don’t have a problem with requiring a conservation stamp to hunt sheds, especially since most residents who hunt sheds will already have one for general hunting. I already buy the conservation stamp for hunting and I don’t...
  8. 3

    Wyoming shed hunting update

    Agree. Disagree. Again, in Wyoming you have never been able to legally take the antlers from a roadkilled buck or bull, even if the animal died on public land. So there was already a precedent. Perhaps your state is different. Disagree. Because sheds are a resource that people make money...
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    Wyoming shed hunting update

    I doubt Wyoming is declaring it owns only the sheds found on public land. That doesn't seem to be the intent of this bill. The state seems to be clarifying that sheds are state property even when found on public land, not only if. Wyoming appears to be choosing not to establish a season or...
  10. 3

    Griz guide/backup cartridge

    Since you said .45-70, I'll go with .444 Marlin just to be a contrarian. Good pick, though.
  11. 3


    Anything non-caloric. Lots of water to be sure.
  12. 3

    Wyoming shed hunting update

    I read the whole thing. But I focused on a particular part as key because there’s been disagreement on a related thread about whether or not Wyoming can regulate antlers on public land as wildlife. The state is declaring that it can.
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    Wyoming Shed Hunting Bill Proposal

    I just started a related thread with updates and additional proposals on the conservation forum. I thought maybe it fit better there.
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    Wyoming shed hunting update

    The latest as of Feb. 7, 2023: Key language: “For the purpose of this act, all wildlife in...
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    I want to do one meal a day for Lent 2023. So about a two hour eating window and 22 hours of fasting daily for 40+ days. I have reasons for doing this that go beyond health and weight loss, and it's not intended to be a permanent lifestyle change. Has anyone here ever done OMAD for any length...
  16. 3

    Rifle Shooting Drills

    I agree with all who advocated dry fire. The late Jeff Cooper's Art of the Rifle is a good primer. It goes into sling use, competition positions, and field positions. There are more in depth works, but Art of the Rifle is a good introduction to the subject. Get a copy and have your wife...
  17. 3

    NM Attempts to Abolish Game and Fish

    I don't know what "good" they are but I do like wild places and wild creatures, so I support natural ecosystems to the greatest extent possible, whether anyone gets any "good" out of them or not. However, where we were once islands of settlement in a sea of wilderness, we are now islands of...
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    Wyoming Shed Hunting Bill Proposal

    Many areas of Wyoming where shed hunting is popular are closed for critical winter range until May 1.
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    First time Western Hunt

    I carried both shoulders together out over my shoulders once. It was a smaller 6 point but it was sort of like hitting myself in the head with a hammer - it felt really good when I stopped.
  20. 3

    First time Western Hunt

    The work starts when the elk is down. How are you getting this thing out of mountains? It might be five or six times as big as the biggest whitetail buck you’ve ever killed. I use two pack frames and leap frog boned out loads. This can make for a long, hard day that can make a tough day’s...