Search results

  1. WadeTheWild

    Exo K2 - 2000 vs 3500

    Awesome, I'm very interested. Do you have pictures of it and how much do you want for it?
  2. WadeTheWild

    Exo K2 - 2000 vs 3500

    Anyone have a 2000 pack and frame for sale, medium belt, any color.
  3. WadeTheWild

    2019 Cold Bow Challenge

    Wow, such a great idea. I'm going to have to jump in on this soon.
  4. WadeTheWild

    Do you hunt alone

    Half the experience for me is sharing it with a good hunting buddy.
  5. WadeTheWild

    Do you hunt alone

    Public lands, over the counter ;) Cheaper and they have less excuse to back out.
  6. WadeTheWild

    Do you hunt alone

    Depends on how far I'm going, and packing out ;)
  7. WadeTheWild

    2017 PSE Evolve what a surprise

    I still shoot this bow. It's incredible. I had an issue paper tuning it, but found out it was only a timing issue after adjusting the let off stops. It's money now.
  8. WadeTheWild

    PSE Evoke 31 >>———> don’t over look it

    SO TRUE!! I spent a month trying to get my Evolve 35 paper tuned and kept getting nock down tear, couldn't correct it to save my life until I had a bow shop look at it. They found that the bottom Cam wasn't hitting the cable stop, or essentially was hitting late. He took out a turn from the top...
  9. WadeTheWild

    2 Years vs Brand new - is there THAT big of a change?

    I've heard nothing but amazing things about Prime bows. I'm shooting a PSE evolve 35 from 2017 and love it, but my next bow will be a Prime CT3.
  10. WadeTheWild

    Real hunting weight arrow speeds

    Wow, that's a sick looking bow. What's the ATA on that?
  11. WadeTheWild

    Real hunting weight arrow speeds

    I love my Evolve. Love the evolve cam adjustment options.
  12. WadeTheWild

    Best buck of my life!

    95 yds, wow. That's confident shooting!
  13. WadeTheWild

    Best buck of my life!

    Congrats! What a beaut!
  14. WadeTheWild

    Still shooting a PSE Evolve?

    I am and love it!