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  1. DoubleBroomedMountainRifles

    Kimber barrel weight

    I have an almost new Montana 84L 280ai take off Ill get a weight for you tonight and post.
  2. DoubleBroomedMountainRifles

    WTS Nightforce NXS 2.5-10x42

    Interested in your scope but can't find a "SFP Mil Dot reticle" on the Nightforce web site under their "reticles" Second Focal Plane tab. Definitely not under this model scope. I understand SFP under your description means "Second Focal Plane" . There is nothing available in "Mil Dot"
  3. DoubleBroomedMountainRifles

    Who to go with for Grizzly & Dall combo?

    I’ve never said a thing about rams can’t be harvested or big rams aren’t taken in non concessioned areas. This thread started out asking about grizzlies and Dall sheep combo hunts. I said make sure you know about Alaska’s concession program before booking a hunt. 99 percent of the non...
  4. DoubleBroomedMountainRifles

    Who to go with for Grizzly & Dall combo?

    Your message spelled it out. “Thousands of sheep hunters every year” ....your figure is a touch off, not quite that many in Alaska but a non resident hunter in lots of Alaska’s non concessioned guiding areas (19 and 20 GMU’s especially) will certainly feel like that with the over a 100 plus...
  5. DoubleBroomedMountainRifles

    Ak or BC for goat, and with who?

    No. It was in a draw area on Kodiak. Not too terrible at drawing odds. I’ve personally drawn two permits there.
  6. DoubleBroomedMountainRifles

    Who to go with for Grizzly & Dall combo?

    There are plenty of sheep hunters that would. If you are going to hunt Canada for Dalls or Stones with an outfitter you don’t have an option. That is one of the main reasons the Canadian Outfitters are doing so well because of their structured Concessions. The Alaskans that do have Federal...
  7. DoubleBroomedMountainRifles

    WTB 6.5-300 Weatherby Brass

    how much brass do you need? I have factory wby 20rnd boxes that I will sell for $45 a box plus shipping. I have at least 3 brand new boxes. Let me know
  8. DoubleBroomedMountainRifles

    Who to go with for Grizzly & Dall combo?

    Aaron Bloomquist of Alaska Outfitters Unlimited or Joey Klutsch Jr both in the North Eastern portion of the Brooks Range. Both are on Federal Concessions. Which no matter who you hunt with should be an ABSOLUTE minimum requirement. Just so you know unless you hunt on a Federal Concession or with...
  9. DoubleBroomedMountainRifles

    Ak or BC for goat, and with who?

    Was on Kodiak Oct 2018 and my girlfriend took a nice 53” and change Billy. 10 1/8”. Plenty of good Billy’s taken.
  10. DoubleBroomedMountainRifles

    WTS Rem 700 6.5-06

    Check your PM as I just sent a message
  11. DoubleBroomedMountainRifles

    WTS Remington Model 700 Titanium 270 Win

    I don’t want to hijack or speak for the op but this rifle is sold headed this way to Alaska.
  12. DoubleBroomedMountainRifles

    WTS Rem 700 6.5-06

    Who did the chambering/fitting/etc? Bedding job done? Perhaps it has an aluminum bedding block? What prefix serial number is the donor Rem700 action? On the bottom picture that shows caliber engraved, there appears to be engraving on the barrel shank at/just below stock line. Am I seeing...
  13. DoubleBroomedMountainRifles

    WTS Remington Model 700 Titanium 270 Win

    Check your PM. I just made an offer
  14. DoubleBroomedMountainRifles

    WTS Kimber Montana 7/08....

    Check your PM inbox.
  15. DoubleBroomedMountainRifles

    guided caribou hunt in Alaska

    Alaska Outfitters Unlimited Hunting the NE Brooks range in GMU 26C. Great opportunity
  16. DoubleBroomedMountainRifles

    2020 Caribou DIY trip

    There are so many opportunities available for the 2020 season. I personally would hunt in 26C. Fly into the north eastern Brooks range on or about 29 Jul. Season for Non Residents opens 1 Aug. Stay til 7 Aug and catch a back haul ride back to Fairbanks with guys flying in for the 10 Aug sheep...
  17. DoubleBroomedMountainRifles

    Pack list for dall sheep

    2Brass I sent you a PM with my contact info. I have a great list for you that I’d like my clients to show up with. I also sent you a list of all items that will be with me as well. Give you an idea what will be available extra. Would like to chat with you as well. Look forward to talking.
  18. DoubleBroomedMountainRifles

    Pack list for dall sheep

    Pm me. I am one of their main sheep guides.
  19. DoubleBroomedMountainRifles

    Pack list for dall sheep

    Who are you booked with next year? Second season by far is my favorite Hunt time period.
  20. DoubleBroomedMountainRifles

    Pack list for dall sheep

    You doing a DIY (including next of kin hunt) or are you being guided by commercial operations? Packing lists will be very different between the two