I completely agree. The movie Fargo was a documentary. Nothing to see here. Table top flat, colder than a witch's mammary gland, calm winds at 25 mph...Nebraska and South Dakota are way better.
In ideal world--one with fewer lawyers and annoying neighbors --this would work fine. However, reality being what it is, what's the chance your surveyor would stake the line with modern equipment for a respectable quantity of his favorite adult beverage? We surveyors can often be persuaded to...
If you are running a section line or roughly parallel or perpendicular, true north will be closer. Surveyors, especially in the western US, typically don't use magnetic. The old timers checked the "variation of the needle" while sighting Polaris, then applied that variation, aka...
I use 2 pound 1/2" XPE from Foam Factory for waist belts and shoulder straps. It feels similar to Kifaru belts and straps, and it seems to last plenty long. I think I saw a thread where someone from Kifaru mentioned they like it.
I agree whatever SG uses would be nice to try, but my sources...
As to the original question regarding winter impact: based on my observations today, winter didn't appear to hurt the MD at all. Groups of 10-15 everywhere in the area we were turkey hunting. Standing on the roads, lounging in the sunshine...could have hit them with rocks. And they're looking...
I can't figure out why, other than for political reasons, landowner gratis tags even exist. I understand landowners sort of feed public wildlife, especially east of the badlands, so maybe gratis tags are compensation. And in a state where ag is king, large landowners have a lot of political...
Heavy snow the first week of rifle season may have been a benefit. It kept the pumpkin patrol from driving all the trails on public land where my kid and I hunted. Hardly any vehicles on the roads and no one walking. By mid January things had melted nicely, and I saw plenty of deer.
Im a little rusty, but judging by the habitat type and blue tree paint, and its a WT rather than MD, I'm guessing he got one of the lucky ones that dodged the wolves in northwest MT.
How's my guess?
I've been using one for 2 years. I love the auto bobbin winder, and it punches through 1/8" HDPE with stacks of webbing. Also handles 1/2" XPE foam with 2 layers of fabric and 3 layers of webbing. Definitely a beast.
MC costs more partly because of waste during production. Component patterns have to be arranged so the camo is oriented properly. Depending on component size, this can waste a lot of material, and off-cuts can't always be used efficiently, especially in a large production operation.
I got to shovel snow again. 5th time in 7 days. We might get a reprieve until Wednesday. I'm feeling lucky, though, because it's a good upper body workout. Spring in ND.