Hank’s is dynamite. Makes killer Ruben’s the next day sliced up. I think it works best with a deer sirloin tip roast. Everytime I’ve tried to do an elk the cure doesn’t make it to the center. Probably need to inject it.
I stuck my first pig a couple weeks ago and thought the meat was awesome. One of the guys in camp took the heads and seasoned them up, wrapped in foil then roasted them in the fire. They made killer tacos.
When I got home I soaked it in a cooler with ice for a few days draining the water every...
I work in the woods and had my dog with me from about 16 weeks and I really wasn’t sure he was going to get it. I would see one and intentionally walk him over it and he could have cared less for the first year. Then something clicked and he would just start bringing them to me. I played fetch...
I’m the same height and torso length. I just got the frame last weekend and have a bag coming. I’ll let you know how it compares to an old duplex frame.
If she doesn’t like walleye I’m not sure you can fix it, but try this. One of my favorite white flesh fish recipes.
They are taking comments still I believe.
This has a ton of down stream effects as far as management is concerned if implemented.