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  1. USMC-40

    Stone Glacier Terminus Review

    @zach Herold I am an SG fan, have a Terminus but haven't used it at all yet. My question(s) would be, first, how does it pack heavy loads compared to other SG packs, and second, is the lightweight material its made from as abrasion/tear resistant as I have read? Thank you for doing this.
  2. USMC-40

    Pigeon with leg bands.. What to do?

    put 'em on your lanyard
  3. USMC-40

    Gear Donations for Ukraine

    I think we are witnessing the true reach of the Military Industrial Complex as it collides with the most corrupt administration in our nations history.
  4. USMC-40

    Gear Donations for Ukraine

    I’ll count my part of $40 billion as more than plenty. F Ukraine F Russia
  5. USMC-40

    WTS Kuiu/C4E/Mathew’s

    Kuiu Attack Pro NWOT 34” waist - 75 shipped CONUS SPF C4E Max-1 Baselayer size L- 25 shipped CONUS Mathews labeled Gamehide vest size L - NWOT - 45 shipped CONUS 100 bucks takes the whole lot No smoking home (no weird smells either) Can send additional pics if needed
  6. USMC-40

    Idaho unit 27 sheep

    I would say between 50-65 pounds of boned out meat on a ram. They are heavy, but their hides are thick as heck and the ones I have seen have a healthy layer of fat under the hides. Congrats on the tag!
  7. USMC-40

    $1500 KUIU GIVEAWAY 🔥

  8. USMC-40

    How far was your average sheep shot?

    425 Dall 281 Rocky
  9. USMC-40

    Friday funnies…

    Dropped mag and then pulled trigger
  10. USMC-40

    Friday funnies…

    Ha! F’in POG. Saw a hot m4 cook off some rounds at our feet one time…
  11. USMC-40

    Bighorn Sheep unlimited areas Montana

    Get high and stay high
  12. USMC-40

    Bighorn Sheep unlimited areas Montana

    I think one of the 300 units closes the same day it opens most years, from what I understand the terrain is more forgiving in that unit as well.
  13. USMC-40

    Bighorn Sheep unlimited areas Montana

    These posts crack me up. Honest answer is that hard work and luck are required - I don’t believe there are any secrets to the UL hunts. Things I recommend - keep a clean camp, there are more grizzlies than sheep (my opinion), the higher areas tend to be pretty dry (ridges/peaks etc) so if you...
  14. USMC-40

    KUIU no longer offering 20% birthday coupon

    If you dont like it, feel free to invent something similar (obviously secure your own funding) and deal with the headaches of business ownership. Frankly, in business, if you own a business it had better be spitting out a good chunk of money to justify the headaches of dealing with this new...
  15. USMC-40

    Momentous Changes in the U.S. Marine Corps’ Force Organization Deserve Debate.

    Good points - with almost all munitions now having some type of guidance system, my understanding is that the FO function is transitioning to the infantry - although a lot about these changes are still fluid. Warfare and equipment evolve faster than tactics and doctrine, I hope this is an...
  16. USMC-40

    Momentous Changes in the U.S. Marine Corps’ Force Organization Deserve Debate.

    Its new for the USMC - The LCpl 0311 is the main effort, supported by everyone else.
  17. USMC-40

    Momentous Changes in the U.S. Marine Corps’ Force Organization Deserve Debate.

    Tanks are a weapon of previous wars, as are cannons. Frankly, infantry has and will continue to see a backseat to SOF/UAV campaigns. MaRSOC (dating myself) will continue to grow and be relevant if they can grab a niche within the SOF pillars. It doesnt mention in in Berger's plan, but it is...
  18. USMC-40

    My Apologies

    Congrats brother!
  19. USMC-40

    New stone glacier pack?

    Have a 5900 and the new 7000 - been hiking with the 7k for 2 weeks now. I really like the pack, I don’t notice a noise difference, however I see how that could be a potential thing with the different material. Dang thing is scary light and seems to handle moderate loads (55#) very well...
  20. USMC-40

    Ak47 question… got me thinking.

    A true AK47 is a select fire weapon, and there are some out there that are pre-86 (when the NFA started, I believe). I know a guy that has a 1968 Russian AK. It’s technically a ‘milsurp’ but would require a ton of money and paperwork. You can get milsurp parts kits and add a US receiver and...