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  1. Cynoscion

    Calling people names

    What did I miss?
  2. Cynoscion

    Kowa 884 tripod and head suggestions

    The va5 is a legit head for glassing no doubt but the fact that you said you wanted to shoot from it is the reason we’re saying you need to up your tripod/head game. You will think you’re stable and shooting well from lesser tripods with a pan head but once you shoot off of a top tier...
  3. Cynoscion

    Kowa 884 tripod and head suggestions

    RRS. Buy once, cry a lot but never have to buy again, haha. I waited until I found a pretty much new one on here with an anvil 30.
  4. Cynoscion

    Belts for hunting pants

    5.11 belts have been my go to/everyday belt for years now. I have both 1 1/2” and 1 3/4” versions and both work well after a short break in period. I don’t even notice the belt under my pack (small plastic buckle) and they’re perfect for my IWB holster for daily use. I’m not sure why these belts...
  5. Cynoscion

    WTS Stone Glacier, WM, Arcteryx, Kuiu, Vanguard, Slik, Crispi

    Pics of the pack? Very interested
  6. Cynoscion

    WTS Stone Glacier Sky Talus 6900

    Sent you a pm. Interested
  7. Cynoscion

    Sold RRS TFCT-33 Tripod w/ ANVIL-30

    How long is it as is (not extended)? Weight? Very interested.
  8. Cynoscion

    Grain free dog food??

    Reading threads like this is crazy to me. I hope nobody takes this the wrong way but DAMN some people worry more about their dogs then some folks do about their kids. I’ve raised working dogs my entire adult life. They work hard during season and get red flannel feed. It’s cheap and they do well...
  9. Cynoscion

    SCAM Alert -- Everyone on this forum should read and heed

    Word! I’ve bought and sold here with zero problems but the only time I used a WTB ad looking for a specific item, I was contacted by a scammer within the first few hours. I could’ve easily been taken for $1500-2k but a little research and it was pretty obvious. Seems like using a WTB is an...
  10. Cynoscion

    Any market value in an Argali sheep mount?

    I’ve done a lot of permitting with USFWS getting trophies imported from overseas. The above contact info should be helpful. If the trophy is that old, I’d be surprised if there were any permitting requirements at all back then. I may be wrong but I wouldn’t expect USFWS to have anything on...
  11. Cynoscion

    Any market value in an Argali sheep mount?

    Somebody correct me if I’m wrong but since this argali was taken pre CITES, it should be exempt from those rules.
  12. Cynoscion

    Any market value in an Argali sheep mount?

    Yessir and what’s crazy to me is you can still hunt Marco Polo and Hume argalis for less than a Stone sheep and have one hell of an adventure.
  13. Cynoscion

    Any market value in an Argali sheep mount?

    Yeah I remember that story as well. Poli subspecies will run all through the Pamirs which are right where you’re talking about in the Walken corridor.
  14. Cynoscion

    Any market value in an Argali sheep mount?

    Looks like a Gobi argali. If it is from the 70’s, it’s really priceless. Something I’ve dreamed about hunting since I read McElroy hunts Asia when I was a kid. There weren’t very many Americans hunting over there back then. Very cool!
  15. Cynoscion

    Any market value in an Argali sheep mount?

    It will be pretty easy to tell from pics. Do you know what country it came from? The argalis are geographically isolated from each other which is what caused their speciation so that if you know what country or mountain range, that will tell you. Most folks will call any whitish argali a Marco...
  16. Cynoscion

    Any market value in an Argali sheep mount?

    Yeah I posted those links to show that pricing is all over everywhere depending on animal quality as well as taxidermy quality.
  17. Cynoscion

    Any market value in an Argali sheep mount?

    More for comparison:
  18. Cynoscion

    Any market value in an Argali sheep mount? They've got decent Dall sheep mounts at $1750 and a Kuban tur mount at $1000 just to give you an idea of what that kind of stuff sells for. In my experience, it’s a lot less then what you think but then again, it’s all...
  19. Cynoscion

    Any market value in an Argali sheep mount?

    It really depends on the argali species and the age. Some argalis aren’t importable anymore so they would obviously be more valuable. If it’s ”just” a Hume or Marco Polo then it wouldn’t be anymore valuable then a dall sheep mount. If it’s an Altai or Gobi then it could be worth serious money...
  20. Cynoscion

    Killer threads lately
