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    Kitchen renovation appliances

    I like this, thanks!

    Vets refusing to work on hunting dogs

    Money must be really easy to come by for them to refuse clients like that!

    Kitchen renovation appliances

    What is “panel ready?”

    The Gohunt Effect

    Donno, but this whole situation seems ripe to be a self-licking ice cream cone. “Apply and draw here!” (Majority of users do that, blow it up) Next year “apply and draw here!” (Different area, last years area is now “defunct”) Repeat indefinitely.

    Have cancer. Going to Seattle for medical reasons. Fishing? Hiking tidbits?

    Sorry to hear! I live on the west side and have spent the last 3 yr exploring. It’s never ending! Presently live in Arlington (an hr north). A great family fun place for hikes of all abilities is the Mountain Loop Highway between Granite Falls and Darrington. I’ve spent a lot of time out that...

    First time Bow Elk

    I suspect your most indispensable item will be the "Rokslide search bar."

    Josh Smith from Montana Knife Company

    I just don’t want anyone to drop my damn knife. Spent a lot of time putting a good edge on that blade…

    Josh Smith from Montana Knife Company

    I think a lot of it is the social media marketing and influencer types that grind people’s gears, not so much the product.

    Holy Smokes!!!!! Max is the real BMF!!!!

    Did something happen? Who’s max?
  10. SWOHTR

    Josh Smith from Montana Knife Company

    IDFG participates in this strategy with their tag sales…
  11. SWOHTR

    Kifaru Camp Bag

    Not sure which one you're using but all the MILSURP ones I've seen...and have access to...are top-loaders and a buckle. Newer ones have zippers but are more money.
  12. SWOHTR

    Upgrade Honda ATV to power steering?

    What year? I’ll admit I don’t know. I had a 2000 Foreman Rubicon 500 w/o power steering and I know what you mean. What I was able to do was add a warn 4wd/2wd disconnect. THAT made a huge difference, almost like having power steering. This was 15 years ago though.
  13. SWOHTR


    Could always actually sling a bandolier and let people wonder if you’re packing…
  14. SWOHTR

    Happy Viet Nam Veterans Day!

    What does this mean? Anyways, thanks for what you all did in Vietnam!
  15. SWOHTR

    Baltimore Bridge Collapse

    Yes, it is routine to have the windlasses and brakes manned during a restricted waters transit. It's also common to walk the anchor out to "at the dip" prior to getting underway, that way it's already "dangling" there and simply needs a few turns of the brake to be let go. Not sure if they did...
  16. SWOHTR

    Baltimore Bridge Collapse

    Then they’d simply be aground, which yes would be better but still have shipping and port implications. The channel is narrow and shallow. Neither “option” is good, but yes simply coasting would likely have been better.
  17. SWOHTR

    Baltimore Bridge Collapse

    Unlikely, the pilot has nothing to do with the ship’s engineering plant. Think of a rudder like a wing. It relies on wash over the rudder surface to provide lift and move the stern in one direction or another. That wash is provided by the propeller. You lose propulsion, you lose the ability to...
  18. SWOHTR

    Baltimore Bridge Collapse

    Also FYI, no Pilot is going to be able to do anything to mitigate what happened to that ship. Pilots don’t start, stop, or shift engines…they are there purely for navigational expertise. And when I say “navigational expertise” I mean “draw the harbor chart from memory, including all NAVAIDs...
  19. SWOHTR

    Baltimore Bridge Collapse

    Ok guys...I'll bite here and give you some insight. 1. Power loss. Yep, can happen. Clogged fuel filter? Misalignment of fuel system? Yep that'll sure shut your generator off. Same thing can happen to your car if you run it out of gas. It's happened to me on the ship, and losing power is not...
  20. SWOHTR

    Long Range Lead Slinging Story on Meateater Podcast

    I also think some of it is dudes playing out their sniper fantasies.