I'd also tell you that your Northern Idaho area of residence is not known for culinary excellence!
But yes, this is why my wife and I seldom go out to eat. We make our own food and it tastes much better.
Shoot them down…my opinion. Whoever makes a big stink is thus responsible.
Remember when it took us the length of our entire continent to shoot down the “weather” balloons?
Size 6.5, year 2015. 200g thinsulate, gore-Tex. They’re my wife’s, but no longer fit. Practically brand new with less than 100 mi on them.
$150 + shipping, PayPal Goods/Services. Will be shipping from west side WA.
Sitka 90% jacket, size L in Open Country. 2016. Haven’t worn it since 2019, it’s been a closet queen.
Non smoker, washed in free and clear. Great condition.
First “I’ll take it” gets it.
$60 to your door.
I'd say yes we are concerned about Russia, but China is the more pressing threat. For the entirety of my career, I've been hearing "conflict with China is imminent!" Granted, a large part of that is professional fearmongering and anxiety, but there are elements of truth to it.
China claims it...