"Cardio" is a marketing term
Lungs are bags that exchange gases
The cardiovascular system responds to the demands of skeletal muscle not vice versa.
Everything you do requires a percentage of your absolute strength
The stronger you are the easier everything is.
"Core" is a marketing term as well
To add to this, breathing with a weight vest on is a real bear. Restricted breathing doesn't enhance performance it just limits training capacity which has a negative effect.
FWIW - I start my ruck training with a 65# for 3.5mi and 700' of gain/loss.
Last week I did that same route with a 100# pack.
My long ruck day is 8mi., 1,780' of gain/loss with an 80# pack.
I'm on schedule for my heavy ruck day to hit 130# before season opener.
As far as time under load in...
FWIW - My professional endurance athletes train concurrently. They strength train before their sport training. The hour of strength training is counted as the first hour of their endurance training.
You're pre fatiguing your muscles by doing cardio first which inhibits your ability to generate maximum contractile force which is the point of strength training.
You're also depleting glycogen stores which you need for your strength training session.
If your goal is to be skinny and weak...
FWIW- Professional drug tested bodybuilders walk on stage around 10% bodyfat.
People generally carry more bodyfat than they think they are.
I use bioimpedence to measure bodyfat. I stay fairly lean year round. I'm about 15% bodyfat with visible abs, intercostal, serratus anterior, striated...
I'm sure you're more knowledgeable about training than one of the top strength coaches in the world.
You probably already know about the SAID Principle. Just for the education of those who may be interested SAID stands for Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demand. What that means is the body...
Mike Boyle is one of the most knowledgeable people in industry today.
Burpees are pointless
The constant variation in footfall breaks up the repetitive nature and subsequent chronic use injuries that are common in road running.
I can't think of a single injury associated with repetitive use from any of my ultra runners or athletes who regularly trail run.
I've had a few times in my life when I didn't have access to a gym or weights or couldn't stand to spend an extra minute in a gym.
I trained with stones. It definitely worked at helping me to continue making gains and improving my physique.
I jump rope as an activation exercise and warm up before strength training and as part of Muay Thai training. I really like Crossrope's jump rope systems https://www.crossrope.com/
My pre lift jumping is just 5rds of 50 sec on/10 sec off with a 1/4lb rope
My Muay Thai routine is 4 rds, 5 min...