I wish. Ive been on a two year hot streak with every other tag I have put in for in states so was hoping it would continue. I know a few people who have drawn expo tags at least so I cant buy into all the conspiracies'.
The Sheep and Goat tags all went to people from the same town that looked odd to me. I unfortunately did not draw any tags I guess all my draw odds luck has worn off.
All I have done is cancel plans on a few hunts elsewhere and will focus on local deer hunts. Honestly not excited this year for deer but I think elk hunting will be fine.
The areas I planned to hunt keep getting hit with snow. Looks like part of my time off for turkey hunting will be bear hunting in may. Glad for the moisture but really want to get out in the woods.
Quickest from legal shooting time 2 minutes for a turkey. Packed in a ground blind for about 2.5 miles to a spot I had scouted out in years past to try it and then had 3 gobblers come in. So all the work to get set up and try to get everything perfect led to a quick hunt.
Other one was took a...
33 years. 45 lb draw for now (recovering shoulder surgery). Hoping to get back to my normal 70 lb draw. I still have all my strength I think but I will work up slowly.
Soles I never had one get through. Sides would go through if you hit it hard enough. Main complaint was cholla spines sticking to it. Hiked plenty of slot canyons in them not paying attention and never had issues where as I had a buddy in one of the canyons kicked a prickly pear and the spine...