Personally, I’d save a few extra bucks and buy a trophyline or other mid/high end. It’ll pay for itself when you’re trying to draw on a deer and it’s not kicking out or shifting on you. Trust me..
My only bull, killed just last year, measured 339. If it would have scored 250 I still would have been overwhelmed w excitement. It was a hunt I’ll never forget, the whole experience and not just the harvest. I try to take everything into consideration.
Also, realizing I’m gonna have a hard...
Second for the Cutthroat broadheads. Surprised by the field tip accuracy I was able to get, and the penetration is far better than anything else I’ve ever shot. Sharpening took me a bit, but it was also my first experience sharpening heads.
After months of listening to the podcast, I figured I’d join the forum. East coast guy who got his first taste of western hunting last yr (elk hunt in Wyoming). Looking forward to gaining as much knowledge as possible, cause I’m already planning for the next couple of trips. Thanks for having me..