Put 20 rounds through it yesterday evening in various positions and really like it. Spotting hits is much easier with it that’s for sure. Not sure I’d be much of a fan of it if I wasn’t shooting suppressed since it does get in the way of ear muffs when at the range. Like it enough that...
Got my stock today and it looks and feels great. Evidently someone at FedEx wanted to try it out as all 4 seals were cut on the box but luckily it was all still in there. Do some shooting tomorrow with it to make sure I like it and then it’s rattle can time
It seems like a nice upper. I’m not much an ar guy but it’s definitely better than the bear creek arsenal and seems better than the aero precision I had. The 75 eldm was under 1” and 62 was just over 1”. That was just 3 shot groups as I only have a box of each. Shot steel out to 500 with...
Recently put one of these together and it shoots very well. 75 grain eldm factory rounds are going 2900fps and 62 grai. Eldvt go 3150fps.