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  1. Dbolick

    Thumb Release?

    I bought a used wise choice off of archery talk a year or two ago for around that price range. I’ve had cheaper thumb releases and there’s a reason they were cheaper, they sucked in comparison. The UV thumb release is nice as well, although pricey. But yeah Carter and Stan are great, truball...
  2. Dbolick

    Compound bow cases.

    I got an Easton soft case for Christmas last year and it is infinitely better than the cheap hard case I was using. It had extra pockets I can store my stabilizers, range finder, release while toting it around and that’s a wonderful addition
  3. Dbolick

    Sitka Stratus

    It’s a great system if layered properly, which it sounds like you are, but I get cold so easily and I don’t think it would be enough for me. I personally would not size up, they are built with layering in mind so the more outward layers are made to fit bigger than the base layers of the same size
  4. Dbolick

    Lifetime License

    I’m considering the same. I live in TN but mainly hunt NC. out of state rags are expensive and a lifetime license would cost 5x the cost of one year. I understand long term the cost is much cheaper to just buy lifetime but it’s just an expensive chunk of money
  5. Dbolick

    moisture protection in gun safe ?

    I keep my safe near my dehumidifier in the basement and it has done pretty well, to be fair I don’t have a very fancy safe, it’s one of the filing cabinet style safes so the air exchange from inside the room to inside the safe is about the same in terms of humidity level
  6. Dbolick

    Sitka Stratus

    For me it wouldn’t be enough, it’s a great set and a good friend of mine has it and love it. But I get cold very easily and I need thicker stuff
  7. Dbolick

    Your first deer rifle?

    Ruger American 30-06, still use it!
  8. Dbolick

    Elite omnia

    I don’t have one but have had several elites and really liked them. I was highly considering buying an omnia last year but seeing so many reports of this issue is what kept me from buying one, from my understanding it’s a fairly common issue which has been addressed in elites newer bows
  9. Dbolick

    Family Vacation Ideas with Fishing

    I’m in NE Tennessee and there is incredible trout fishing opportunities here, especially on the watauga river but more so the south Holston river. Large wild brown trout are plentiful there. It’s wadable when water is not being released from the lake, also there are many opportunities to do...
  10. Dbolick

    Rock Climbing Harness with Climber

    I bought a cheap black diamond rock climbing harness and like it significantly more than the traditional treestand harnesses that come with a stand. It’s far more comfortable IMO, comfortable to walk in (although it does make a slight bit of noise where it rubs but nothing major), I have it...