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    A good scoring mule deer come from mass and fork depth (tine length)! just my thoughts from the pics i think he scores in the 140s! Doesn’t look like he will have a bunch of mass, his left main beam looks shorter then his right he has ok forks for what he does have! I just don’t see him going...
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    Montana Mule Deer - Opener vs Rut

    If it gets wet around these parts you won’t be driving anywhere! The gumbo is some of the worst you’ve seen! Region 6 definitely isn’t what it used to be, but If you’re into overcrowded public lands and 2 year old bucks region 6 is right up your alley! The deer up here get piss pounded from...
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    Montana winter kill?

    I went for an 18 mile hike looking for sheds this Friday in NE MT and found a pile of dead deerthis year! I haven’t seen that many dead deer in probably the last 10 years while out looking for sheds might be a worse hunting season then most think! Hopefully I’m wrong though only time will tell
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    Montana FWP and Mule deer

    Haha you forgot the whole state of Washington
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    Montana FWP and Mule deer

    I agree with the limited antlerless permits but there is just far Too many people killing the deer! everyone and their mother ruined region 7 over the years, and now they have moved to north eastern and north central and are killing everything that moves! It’s time to spread people out by...
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    Montana special draw unit 652 pointers

    You will be lucky to see a big deer in there anymore! lots of little ones to shoot for sure though, I’m sure you can find a 150 buck to put your tag on.
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    Legit Hunting Personalities

    Not just whitetail spots! That clown has completely whored out everything in Montanan!
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    Montana mule deer meeting region 6

    Born and raised as well not sure what your point is there bud! They will continue to do nothing because they are making to much money so until that changes it will stay the same
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    Montana mule deer meeting region 6

    Yes there will be a time when r need to be reeled in as well and distributed all over the state instead of having free reign… the deer in region 6 and 7 get piss pounded by everyone and their mother
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    Montana mule deer meeting region 6

    Haha! this is true saw a couple good ones last year driving back and forth for work
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    Montana mule deer meeting region 6

    I’d say it just be done at a nr level and see how that goes first… I maybe saw a handful of r plates to the plethora of nr plates all hunting season! (Which was also mentioned in the meeting) Got to get the nr overpopulation delt with before any r limiting in my opinion!
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    Montana mule deer meeting region 6

    i grew up hunting a lot of region 6! The mule deer hunting up here is absolutely atrocious unless you want to shoot a bunch of small bucks… our mature age class has been destroyed
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    Montana mule deer meeting region 6

    Here you guys go! Everyone that showed up voiced relatively the same opinion that there are too man my non res in region 6 and 7 and that we would like to see changes in the near future!
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    Montana Archery Elk Draw Question

    I guess the way I read it was a permit for either sex elk means you can only hunt there so I guess it may be how they interpret it
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    Montana Archery Elk Draw Question

    Not how that works… and if you draw it’s the only place you can hunt elk with your bow
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    Montana pref points heads up, don't be like me.

    Probably because the deer hunting here has turned into an absolute shit show on public land! Too many people and not enough deer need big changes to happen in the coming years
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    A bill to set aside 2550 tags for wealthy nonresident landowners is being proposed in Montana

    don’t want or need anyone else moving here already enough of that going on!