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  1. couesbuck22

    Got in a Morning Workout of Coyote Curls!

    I actually strip by hand actually. I’ll skin 5+ inches with a knife and work it down and then just wrap my right hand around the tail bone and use my left hand to hold the base of the tail against the carcass. As far as your hide in the freezer, use baling wire to wrap around the base of the...
  2. couesbuck22

    Got in a Morning Workout of Coyote Curls!

    I don’t do it exactly like this. For example: I’ll put the back right leg in one rope. Front left leg in the other rope along with the bottom jaw. If you get it around the canines it will hold the head up off the ground as well. You could probably use all 4 feet as the picture shows I just do...
  3. couesbuck22

    Got in a Morning Workout of Coyote Curls!

    This is what I use, the rings on the end of the ropes make it basically a slip knot around their legs. I usually do one back leg and the opposite front leg and mouth on the other one, doubles as a tail stripper.
  4. couesbuck22

    AR vs Bolt Action for Coyotes?

    I shoot both, I’ll bounce back and forth from day to day not really a preference towards either. No thermal hunting where I’m at though.
  5. couesbuck22

    Hunting coyotes in high pressure areas

    Like others have mentioned, I’ve had better success on the same stands using hand calls in the higher pressures areas.
  6. couesbuck22

    Hot Water Rinse of Meat

    I’ve always been told absolutely no water on the meat. Seen people use a propane torch to burn off hair and pine needles etc. but we usually leave it as is because you trim off that outer “crust” after your meat has hung in a cooler for a few days
  7. couesbuck22

    Fur friendly 223 for bobcat

    I’ve had good luck shooting the 50 grain bosler Ballitic tip. We shoot it out of 5 different guns in the 22 cal and as long as you put the bullet it a good spot you’ll be alright. I always take frontals when I can and if they’re broadside square in the shoulder
  8. couesbuck22

    Is a meat grinder necessary?

    Before I had one we would just bag it in ziplocks and take it to the local butcher and have grind it for a small fee finally bought one for ourselves and won’t ever look back.