Ab warmup 5 min
3 rounds kb circuit
Side lunge to snatch to overhead offset squat to rack squat x3 each side
Goblet pause squat x3
Goblet squat x3
Double hand swing x6
Double hand deadlift x6
Single hand swing x3 each side
Suitcase deadlift x3 each side
7 rounds emom
3 single arm kb swings
Very awesome, congrats man.
5 min of abs. Warmup
Log press 5x10
3 rounds of below db circuit
Curl press x5
Alternating from top OHP x5
Alternating from bottom OHP x5
Hammer curls x5
Cross body alternating curls x5/side
Offset Waiters walk 75 ft /side
Offset farmers walk 75ft /side
Warmup, then 4 rounds of firebreather KB complex
Swings from stop x7
Swings x7
Deadstop Two handed clean right x6 left x6
Single hand swings x5 left x5 right
Suitcase deadlift x4 left x4 right
Deadstop high pulls x3
High pulls x3
Called in 18"s of beard this morning off the roost!...... 6 Jakes 3" a peice lol. Walked all morning after that and never heard a gobble.
2.5 miles, 1100 feet of elevation
5x4, 1x1 on log press
3 rounds below double kb circuit
Z press x5 per side
Alternating from top ohp x4 per side
Alternating from bottom ohp x4 per side
Viper push press x5
Waiters walk 100ft
Incline twist press x10
Double kb swings x5
Double kb deadlift x5
Strength interval, 30s on 30s off for 5 continuous rounds of the following:
Offset kb Clean and squat left
Offset kb clean and squat right
Deadlift jumps
Snatch left
Snatch right
Squat jumps
5x6 log press
3 rounds below circuit
Db incline twist press x10
Db curl press x5
Db alternating from top x3, bottom x3, strict x3
Pushups x5
Waiters walk 50ft to rack carry 50ft to farmers walk 50ft, then switch sides
3 rounds below circuit
Single kb snatch to step up to reverse lunge, to rack side lunge x3 per side
Goblet pause squat x3
Goblet squat x3
Double hand swings x15
Deadlift x15
5x8 log press
3 rounds below dbl KB circuit
Pause pushup to clean thruster x3
Pause pushup x5
Clean to push press x3
Farmers walk 100ft
Carry medley (farmers, rack, waiters)
1x3 one arm DB push press
1x1 one arm DB push press (100#)
I got busted by a hen this evening, suppose to be cold tomorrow hope i get to see his breath when he gobbles!
3 rounds with single kb
Pendlay row x10
Kneeling deadstop snatch x8
Dead stop high pulls x6
Scoop extensions x4
TGU x2
3 rounds with two kb
Pendlay row x12
Flat pullovers x9
High pulls...
Shoulder days are my favorite days. Warmup, then 5x10 log press
3 rounds below, single kb
Offset z-press x5 /side
Offset clean to ohp x 5/side
Plyometric pushups x5 / side
Crush grip pushups x5
Goblet walk 50ft
Dble hand swings x5
Deadlift x5
Waiters walk 50ft /side
3x3 heavy single arm db...
Turkey hunted saturday, accidentally got 10 ft from a roost tree in the dark so boogered the morning. Heard two other birds, couldt do anything with them.
Push mow lawn for Warmup, then 3 rounds of below with 1 kb
Snatch, to rack side lunge x5
Clean to rack squat x5
Rack carry 50ft
Well. My guys backed out on the elk hunt this year so i may not make it out anyway. But, this is a good habit so ill continue as if i was.
3x8 seated incline db press
4x8 log press
2 rounds below double kb circuit
-iso rack clean and strict press x5/arm
-push press x5
-rack carry 50ft...