Thanks. Yeah, There’s not much out there in this herd, so research is hard. And I don’t make it up there that often to scout. You can’t bike on the trail up the plateau? I hadn’t seen anything about there. How beary is the area? Trying to decide if I want my pistol or binos on my chest.
I’m solo, so creek crossings will be avoided if possible. Any pointers on where to park the truck and start the bike trek?
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I’m thinking of changing my route and heading up the Macomb plateau now. I figured it was only smaller groups and one offs. I’ve only got 2 days, so I’m trying to make the best of it!
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I was going to go in on the east side by Rhoads creek...I have no clue of the area. Think there would be anything around there? I don’t know where the herd is.
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Has anyone done this? Got a few questions. Going in solo next week on my bike. Trying to plan routes, find trails, etc. Thanks.
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Just curious if anyone knows where the herd is right now at this time of the year. They’re doing a winter targeted hunt and my family all put in for it. I spoke with fins and feathers and they said best bet would probably be Steese. My dad is elderly and not really mobile so we’re tying to find...
With everything going on and what the Governor has put in place, it’ll be cancelled. I mean...they closed bars and restaurants.
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Hey all. I’m o a diet called the FODMAP diet. I have allergies to many different sugars and stuff which makes it very hard to find freeze dried foods that are safe for me. I’m extremely limited to things. Here’s is a link with a lot of the bad foods...