Did you end up buying that Vortex (Jim white) uni-daptor? If so how do you like it? I was just going to order one from Vortex online but they want $20 to ship the uni-daptor and a quick release plate.... Not going to happen.
Is this an item that dealers carry?
It was CameraLandNY.com. I'll be damned if they didn't send me a brand new one after the demo had the issue with the objective lens.
Zeiss must have been getting a lot of pressure for having glued that hinge cap in. I'm wondering if they will reengineer the mold for the body as it does look...
Called Zeiss. The modification was done by them. This likely is a brand new pair as they have only recently started the run of binos without the old cap. I just expected much better fit and finish than this from Zeiss. Still thrilled with the glass itself. Thanks fellas for entertaining my...
Well, I owe a sincere apology to these guys. I just stopped at the local Scheels and I'll be damned if the brand new models don't look the exact same. Must have been an issue coming from Zeiss. I'm going to give Zeiss a call and see why the latest run have this odd fitting cap that looks as...
The cosmetic flaw isn't what concerns me it's the fact that they were modified.
I recently bought a yamaha generator nearly 40% off because some guy named "Bill Norman" etched his name all over it and then decided to return it. Hey, for an extra $300 in my pocket you can call me Bill Norman...
They do appear to be fine optically but my season this year is likely to be 6 consecutive days and that's it (job change). I can't afford a gear failure in the field, particularly on a piece of gear I really couldn't afford in the first place.
I spoke with the head honcho and he said even...
I love em too, that's part of the reason I'm so ticked. There really isn't another pair available I can get for a similar demo price. I've already exhausted all my funds for gear this fall.
I know through reading Dotmans posts that that hinge cap doesn't come out easily and is likely...
I recently purchased a pair of Zeiss Conquest HDs in 10x42 as a demo unit (not saying from who at this point). The first pair arrived 2 weeks ago and the objective lens of one barrel had a noticeable particle behind it or possibly a glass imperfection I couldn't quite tell.... Either way it...
I haven't found much feedback on this new pad (released 2013). My primary use will be warm weather backpacking with a quilt. I was wondering if anyone has any opinion on this pad (1.5 R value) vs the Q core SL (4.5 R value). I've only ever used bags and closed cell pads until now.
Is there...
I ordered a dozen HD pin nocks on accident (in white). I don't have the pin bushings, just the nocks. If you want em PM me your address and I'll send em your way. They are just sittin here.
No worries. I feel the same way about threads that head that way. There are certainly budget friendly options that have been tested and proven here. I run an REI pack, vortex spotter and tripod etc. I find this forum to be one of the most valuable tools around for a guy who can or can't drop...
The statement you took issue with said "new". I do agree if he could find a used Nomad for $150 he should be all over it. However, I stand by my original statement that there isn't anything new for <$300 that's worth it. I went through several budget spotters that became nothing but extra...