After spending 30 years in interior Alaska it is a treat to be able to photograph blue wings and cinnamon teal down here in Montana about 5 minutes from our house. Blue wings are uncommon in interior AK and cinnamon range in South America and western North America, but about 2000 miles south...
Some teal from western Montana this past month with my used $300 bridge camera (Nikon 900)
Cinnamon and Bluewing. I don't have any decent Greenwing photos yet.
YES! With food bowls it is easy to teach push/pull lining, casting, 2-sided sends, backwards heeling, etc.
Most hungry pups are highly motivated when food is involved.
Another point I was trying to make is that a trainer can put a dog through a basics program,
yet have a dog that is "weak in basics". I think sometimes it is because the trainer if focused on the
procedure and not the end results.
For example, take the double-T. A trainer might run the...
"anyone interested in “the basics” is anything other than a new trainer",
Most of the dogs that are weak in advanced hunt tests (Master Hunter) or all-age field trials that I see are weak because of inadequate basics.
For example:
A dog that does not "sit and salute" but instead has a big...
When I see posts about Basics, it is typically procedures:
Force-Fetch, Single-T, Double-T, Multiple Marks, Cheating Singes, Swim-By, etc.
Instead of procedures, I think of the end product:
Line Manners:
Will the retriever sit quietly in the kennel with the door open, waiting for a verbal...
I like Simms stocking foot waders and my old hiking boots.
They pack into a smaller package than conventional waders.
The best thing is I can turn them completely inside out and hang them to dry overnight.
Blue wing teal are uncommon in interior Alaska, I never shot one up there in 30 years.
Yesterday I saw my first bluewings down here at the Montana Refuge.
At 200 yards, but still fun to watch.
When I lived in Utah, I saw more redheads than cans.
In interior Alaska, I've seen only cans.
Here in western Montana, it is a mix of cans and redheads.
Both are nice looking ducks.
I am the same. I start my refuge hike at 530 am hiking towards the east pre-dawn.
That way I have the sun to my back to take photos on the way back to the truck.
I usually hike 8 miles every other morning and I'm done by 8:30am so lot of time left in the morning.