Search results

  1. NevadaZielmeister

    Leupold off the market?

    Well I just checked on Amazon and there are a bunch. Weird.
  2. NevadaZielmeister

    Unfamiliar with Dillon Dies. 45 ACP

    The die that flares the case mouth also attaches to the Powder Charge. I would call Dillon and they will set you up. The problem with your questions are that you don't even know what you don't know, leading to not knowing at all and not even knowing what to ask for about what you don't know...
  3. NevadaZielmeister

    Training while living in mountains

    I mean, I know this sounds silly, but the adage "Train like you hunt and hunt like you train" is quite applicable here. I also live in the mountains and I found a regular regime of hiking with ever increasing weight to my backpack was crucial to proper fitness and endurance. All of the fancy...
  4. NevadaZielmeister

    Help Build My First Camo System / Kit - Sitka vs First Lite

    I chose Sitka and never looked back. I started years ago with Open Country Optifade and was amazed at how well it worked with bow hunting. I got really close to a lot of big game. Then my friend started hunting last year and he purchased everything in SubAlpine. What I liked about that pattern...
  5. NevadaZielmeister

    Brownells BR4 primers

    So you just spent $600.00 plus HAZMAT and shipping for 6,000 primers?
  6. NevadaZielmeister

    6.5 mm 140 ELD-M vs 143 ELD-X Dimensions?

    Answers: 1.) Not very consistent just like you proved. 2.) They are different in size as shown above. You are welcome. Have a nice day.
  7. NevadaZielmeister

    Balistic calculator surprise

    Yes, you simply change the wind direction to go with the top spin of the bullet, problem solved.
  8. NevadaZielmeister

    Balistic calculator surprise

    EXACTLY. I tested the Applied Ballistics many times and found that indeed, aerodynamic jump is way way over stated.
  9. NevadaZielmeister

    Rubber the next item you cant get

    Do you have any sources to support this? Cause... I am not one to just believe anyone on the internet. Furthermore, I hate hysteria creating comments that serve no purpose.
  10. NevadaZielmeister

    What comfort/non essential items do you pack?

    Butt wipes.. I carry butt wipes. Can't stand swamp ass.
  11. NevadaZielmeister

    Sidearm or bear spray?

    Oh boy, here we go..... again.
  12. NevadaZielmeister

    Retriever training help

    By 16 weeks his mind will be fully developed. Best to get him trained now as fast as possible based on Richard Wolters book, "Gun Dog". Forget everything else and concentrate on his training. You will not regret it. Trust me.
  13. NevadaZielmeister

    7.62x51 machinegun brass.. worth reloading?

    Of course!! LC (Lake City) brass is some of the best brass out there. Just be sure to fully resize and trim and then you will have good quality brass.
  14. NevadaZielmeister

    WTS Well...I got scammed

    Yes, the service is called "Guntab". ( I did one firearms transfer and it went really well. Best thing since PayPal does not offer payments for firearms.
  15. NevadaZielmeister

    Crate training puppy- HELP

    It's pretty simple really. You just ignore the whining/crying/howling and eventually the dog will learn that when he goes to his crate ("kennel") that it is time for sleeping. The only time he will need to get out is to eliminate. Once he is done outside, then put him RIGHT back in. So when he...
  16. NevadaZielmeister

    XS Big Dot Night Sights for Glock 20 Woods Defense

    Well, I can only speak as a frequent competitor in USPSA matches, both local level and regional level matches. You would best be served to go with something like an RMR since it will give you your dot regardless of lighting conditions. That division is called Carry Optics and it is a very...
  17. NevadaZielmeister

    Faster powder for a short barrel?

    I would recommend maybe a slightly faster powder but with a lighter bullet. Just don't expect long range performance, which I suspect will not be an issue shooting out of a blind.
  18. NevadaZielmeister

    1-6 or 3-18 power for predator hunting

    I would opt for the 3-18x optic. But understand that a shot out to 700 yards with your AR-15 in 5.56mm is going to be very iffy. The velocity loss on a bullet like that will be such that the coyote/fox will have long moved onward. Besides, you would really want to call them in closer. I am...
  19. NevadaZielmeister

    Rifle scope in place of a spotting scope?

    Apparently spoken by someone who uses their Rifle Scope for spotting instead of using their Spotting Scopes for... um... spotting?
  20. NevadaZielmeister

    Wyoming proposal to slash Non-resident hunters

    Hunting public lands is going to be only for the rich and the politically connected. That is really unfortunate for the public hunter.