Do not salt a hide that hasn't been properly fleshed and turned... let it cool, put it flesh to flesh roll it up with the face on the outside, put it in a game bag, keep it dry and cool until you can get it frozen. Ed F
I've been 6 times... September is my favorite. Good weather, deer are still up high, hard horned, vegitation is laying down, everyone is hunting something else... I go in September when I don't have an elk tag. Ed F
Boy things have changed in the last 2 years. Over $2k or 100k miles for a commercial flight. I used to fly for $500 or 50k miles. 1k increase on the Bush flight. Kodiak Kamps changed owners and no longer rents camping gear. Terrible times ... for everyone. F it... hunt like you are going to die...
I've been in August, September and November... September is my favorite time when I don't have an elk tag. I'll be there on July 30th... looking forward to the adventure. Ed F