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  1. bowuntr

    Arizona Muley Rut

    Where's the data to support this? Ed F
  2. bowuntr

    Caribou hide preservation

    Do not salt a hide that hasn't been properly fleshed and turned... let it cool, put it flesh to flesh roll it up with the face on the outside, put it in a game bag, keep it dry and cool until you can get it frozen. Ed F
  3. bowuntr

    WANTED hunting partner for a 2023 Kodiak Island Alaska black tail hunt

    That's the last place you would want to find out if your partner is capapable of a hunt like that... your safety may depend on it. Ed F
  4. bowuntr

    Caribou kill thread

    Enlighten us... Ed F
  5. bowuntr

    Arizona deer outfitter

    Go with Shadow Valley... solid outfit. Ed F
  6. bowuntr

    Peep Alignment

    Back in the 80's and 90's that's how it worked... not today. Something is wrong with your string... quality control for one. Take it back... Ed F
  7. bowuntr

    Kodiak Island August or November?

    I'll tell you in 4 days. Too many deer can be a problem... Ed F
  8. bowuntr

    Caribou hunting techniques with a bow

    Watch this... Ed F
  9. bowuntr

    Kodiak Weather?

    Once you're there, Inreach can give you accurate updates. I fly with Island air on the 31st. Ed F
  10. bowuntr

    Sleeping bag on Kodiak

    Synthetic 20 degree bag. Ed F
  11. bowuntr

    Kodiak timing - September?

    I've been 6 times... September is my favorite. Good weather, deer are still up high, hard horned, vegitation is laying down, everyone is hunting something else... I go in September when I don't have an elk tag. Ed F
  12. bowuntr

    Bow vs Rifle

    Thess87 nailed it... Ed F
  13. bowuntr

    Butane and greenies on Kodiak

    Sporting goods have both. You're not supposed to fly with iso butane... Ed F
  14. bowuntr

    Kodiak Island August or November?

    They'll be shedding their velvet at the end of August. Most are hard horn at the beginning of September. Ed F
  15. bowuntr

    Legality of radio use in Alaska

    It's called Fair Chase... not bull crap IMO. Ed F
  16. bowuntr

    Kodiak Island August or November?

    Yep... Ed F
  17. bowuntr

    Kodiak Island August or November?

    Boy things have changed in the last 2 years. Over $2k or 100k miles for a commercial flight. I used to fly for $500 or 50k miles. 1k increase on the Bush flight. Kodiak Kamps changed owners and no longer rents camping gear. Terrible times ... for everyone. F it... hunt like you are going to die...
  18. bowuntr

    Kodiak Island August or November?

    I've been in August, September and November... September is my favorite time when I don't have an elk tag. I'll be there on July 30th... looking forward to the adventure. Ed F
  19. bowuntr

    900 grain Hog Hammer Arrows

    Yep... Once the arrow exits it's not going to change the outcome. Ed F