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  1. cornfedkiller

    New from Iowa South Central that is.

    Welcome from a fellow Iowan
  2. cornfedkiller

    Backcountry charging systems

    Would you guys prefer (2) 10k or (1) 20k charger? I see pros and cons to both ways and can't decide.
  3. cornfedkiller

    Backcountry charging systems

    Will it actually recharge itself using the solar panel? Or did it charge everything you needed because its 42k mah and you never ran it out of juice?
  4. cornfedkiller

    Cheap hotel in Riverton?

    Needing to stay one night in Riverton before a hunt this fall.. Don't really want to spend Hampton Inn type money, but I also don't want bed bugs and would prefer to keep the windows in my truck (and both my kidneys). I also don't really trust reviews on the hotel's or travel sites.. Anyone...
  5. cornfedkiller

    UL fuel efficient cook system

    So cozy only was more efficient than cozy+bent legs?