Well then great, we have a task force member on this forum BSing everyone.
The truth is 90/10 for D/E/A appears to be a nonstarter with the task force. That's fine, as the big 5 needs the proposed change that's being recommended. It makes no sense to misrepresent the facts and there's much of...
I can't find a single discrepancy in anything Buzz has said, including that this bill, in it's current form, is DOA in the Wyoming Senate. There is no doubt, compared to other western states, Wyoming has treated NR hunters the best by far. If things change in the future, everyone and anyone has...
This comment is why some residents say "if you don't like it, go somewhere else." And I'm not sure where the 5 months is coming from, if you apply the end of January, it should be about 3 1/2 to middle of May.
The 300 plus tags was abnormally high due to a change of language in regulation. In this case, after getting the language changed to allow a closer reflection of a true 84/16 split, I met with two members of the License Review Board to get the 300 licenses reinstated. Inaccurate allocation of...
This is my first post here and I wanted to jump in and say that everything Buzz is saying here is true and correct. I worked alongside him to get this drawing changed to solve the many problems caused by issuing licenses when data isn't fully collected and seasons and quotas have not been set...