I'm astonished there are people who don't like wild turkey. It is the one wild game that people universally love in my experience.
To those who don't like wild turkey, where are you hunting? What are they eating? How are you cooking?
I have hiked red river gorge area. It is worth the trip. Lush forest and abundant streams with plenty of rock climbing, cliffs, vistas, etc. Somewhat high tourism traffic at the biggest attractions like natural bridge, but the area is pristine
I've also dipped my toe in the big south fork area...
The Rokstok is growing on me. The first renderings I saw looked odd but the final product looks much better. Keep the pics coming. (Yeah I know it is about dynamics and ergonomics not looks, I'm just pleasantly surprised by the looks of some of these guns)
I'm really interested in the click less turret idea on Veracity PH and Eliminator. Infinite adjustability would be an obvious advantage at long range. That, plus a heads up display in yards rather than mil/moa is very intuitive and eliminates a step in the process of shooting in the field . . ...
In the short term (months), it is impossible to say whether prices will rally or crash.
In the medium term (years), due to people's confidence/sentiment/hope/greed/distrust of govt currencies, imo crypto prices are 90% likely to go higher
The best way to get in right now is dollar cost...
The labor theory of value is false. Doing work doesn't make products valuable.
The energy theory of value is also false. Inputting energy does not make something valuable.
Paying a light bill is not what makes light in a home valuable.
The huge expense of powering the internet is not what...
Sometimes the most interesting debates happen because people are in 99% agreement. I think most of us on this chat would agree with the following:
The problem:
Government control of money and currency
Government-set interest rates
The solution:
Free markets for money and currency