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  1. L

    New Sevr Hybrid

    Will the hybrid improve this Sevr wound?
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    Bow Hunters….

    You are sure going to eat well. (can you hunt Wyo deer with a bow? same as elk)
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    Bow Hunters….

    It sounds like you hit a home run in the genetic lottery. After getting a pass through on a young bull with a 53# longbow at 170 fps I realized any modern compound does not need even 60# to be an efficient killing machine. I wish I could still pull 70# enough times to actually practice and...
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    Half way there!

    Consistency always wins. Well done. mtwarden may be the first to harvest an elk by hiking it to death.
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    Scouting a new area this year?

    Bad plan. You are pretty much guaranteed to be overrun by elk. An elk tag, filled or not, has never been a waste of money.
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    Interesting Wyo mule deer article Interesting comments about local pushback on any "management strategies" and the prions in the shipped hay. It doesn't appear point creep has been an issue for the hunt area and this article will...
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    Scouting a new area this year?

    Some of the best Intel we've received was from local cowboys who are getting cattle out of the mountains off grazing leases. The cowboys can be a blessing or a curse while hunting. The largest group of elk I've ever seen was pushed towards us off private land by two cowboys on horseback with one...
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    Idaho Regs...No Tag...Can I still go hike with a hunter

    When someone in our group fills a tag they almost always go along on the days following to glass or help pack out an animal. Never even considered if it's a violation. There are some strict fishing guide rules in Alaska if money is changing hands even if the money is for boat rental.
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    Grim Reaper Whitetail Special

    Maybe the scale needs calibration?
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    Sold Arizona EZ Fletch

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    How do you balance shooting with fitness

    Maybe so but learning to keep a positive attitude when things get hard or boring or frustrating during conditioning, strength training and practicing with your bow can help on the mountain. This is supposed to be fun
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    How do you balance shooting with fitness

    Excellent advice! A positive attitude is easy when you are seeing or even hearing elk but when it's Day 5 of a week long hunt and you've seen nothing it's easy to go from hunting to pouting/hiking, you stomp over the next ridge rather than sneak over and end up busting bedded elk everywhere. All...
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    Has anyone used their bear spray?

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    Everyone’s 2024 season plans

    When your kids are hunting second fiddle is the best place to be. I was in a stand 70 yards from my daughter's stand watching a buck feed towards her. I can't see her but I'm wondering if she sees the buck, if she's even awake or messing with her phone. I'm getting some buck fever watching...
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    CPW officially recommends fully limiting NR Archery- OTC Resident

    It depends. I find Wyoming plenty friendly. If I strike out in archery season I can return for rifle season with the same tag. Not happening in Colorado.
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    Bow Hunters….

    Or the lack of cartilage in the joints
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    CPW officially recommends fully limiting NR Archery- OTC Resident

    Many years ago I hunted an OTC unit in Colorado. I heard it went to a draw unit but the number of tags was so high that nothing really changed.
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    2024 MCAAP Controlled Hunt

    In my day we had to consolidate based on where you are hunting within the area. We had four hunters per truck but we went separate directions on scouting day and hunting days. Driving rules may have changed. I would set a stand on scout day. You can always get down and move as long as you don't...
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    2024 MCAAP Controlled Hunt

    Perfect summary by Mighty Mouse. To emphasize: You don't need to walk to the far reaches of your area to hunt. I shot my buck on last day about 50 yards from major intersection (I'm a slow learner) You need to go to the traditional 3D shoot in August if possible and see some the the country...
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    2024 MCAAP Controlled Hunt

    Nice weekend to draw! I've been there a few times. Killed a buck in Hominy. I have hunted Boggy too. I've got a digital copy of the map they gave to the hunters. Send me your email and I'll get it to you. You can match it with Google Earth and do a little screen scouting. It's a unique hunt...