Read the regulations better. Most questions can be answered. Pg 15 in 2024 big game regs...
8. Carrying loaded firearms (except handguns) on an OHV during deer, elk, pronghorn and bear seasons. Firearms (except handguns) must be unloaded in the chamber and magazine. Firearms (except handguns)...
If I could give myself advice it would be this:
-Spend time figuring out your feet. Meaning have someone measure your foot and fit you to a high quality boot/insoles.
-Dont waste money on camo, buy clothing that is purposeful to how, where and when you will hunt. A good baselayer, active...
Call and ask them for a rokslide discount, might get something off. I would only buy a puffy pant with a full zip. I would not hunt late seasons without mine
I appreciate this, i had some money worth risking and lost about 57% so far playing the individual stock/day trader game. From now on, I'm sticking more into my current 401k and investing as you have mentioned. Thanks