What size foot do you have and what size boot if you don't mind me asking?
I'm a size 12 and when I asked hoffmans they said I should be good woth a size 12 boot
Thanks, glad to hear they're a good boot. My feet get cold fast so that's why I was thinking the mountaineer instead of the double insulated guide but for warmer days or days with more activity instead of sitting wondering if it is possible to put the 400g liner in
Anybody have experience with these boots? I like the potential warmth this boot offers but for hunts where Temps are not as cold or being more active I feel like the 9mm felt would make it too hot. Anybody try fitting the 400g liner into these? If so you go same size or size up?
My gym is in my basement with a 8ft ceiling. I have an 92 inch tall squat rack with a pull up bar. Added some safety spotter arms so I can bench heavy by myself safely. I got a cheap cable system that attaches to the pull up bar to do triceps and such.
Also a bench and a pair of adjustable...