They update this site periodically with public comment sections for the task force meetings. I'm sure people could also reach out to WOGA and any other interested parties, as well as the representatives involved
I’ll add mine in
Sirui tripod and VA-5 head- huge improvement for me. I’ve used cheaper tripods/heads for a few years and this thing knocked those out of the park
Argali game bags- love how small these pack up. Barely even know they’re in your pack
Not new but this was the fourth season for...
I’m pretty interested in some of the new bergaras too. I saw browning also had a few that they made a post about. Didn’t seem like anything earth shattering. Mostly a new stock camo pattern
I haven’t been able to yet, it’s dark for me after work still so I’ll have to slip out on a weekend here. I can get just over a mile out of my backyard though and even just handholding them at that distance it’s very good. Central clarity is on par with my B1s and they’re nice and bright
For those with swaro scopes do you ever feel handicapped with the 65mm objective? Is it 80mm (or 95) or bust? Or do you feel you can adequately judge with the smaller scope?
Got mine in the mail today. I ordered the 15x56 and my first impression has been really good. They feel great overall and from what I can tell just looking out my backyard I think they’ll do well. I don’t have any really high end stuff to compare with but I do have some maven B1 10x42s that I...
I bought a SG last summer and used it all season. I really like it. Its quiet, protected my stuff and I can open it with one hand. Its a nice and tidy package. Another nice feature is that the lid does not flop around when it is open