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  1. T

    Stay extension #3 Lateseason

    Just an FYI these are both gen 1 packs. The LS was a little easier since the stays were on the outside of the pack. I'm sure there's questions so feel free if interested yo ask away or add any input or opinions.
  2. T

    Stay extension #2

    Continuing from #1 I then like to spray everything with spray plastidip. On to # 3 for Lateseason The last pic is of the late season. But they both end up the same.
  3. T

    Stay extensions on Spikecamp and late season #1

    I'll start with the SC. I cut 9" pieces from a stalk of 6061 t6 aluminum that was 3/4" x 3/16". I used the existing loadlifter straps and that got me from 21" to 24". If you needed more lift you would just add some webbing and a ladderlocks to the extension. I cut through the bag right above...
  4. T

    Posting pics

  5. T

    Kifaru Aluminum Stays

    Yes they are 6061 T6. I just did the same thing. I got mine from Amazon but it was the same price as the one above.
  6. T

    Is Silnet the same as 100% silicone?

    I have used Silnet on my lumbar pads and it has helped the slipping a lot. I have some pants with the silicone in the waist to help the slipping also. I am needing to do two other packs and want to try to put some in the waist of my cabelas microtech pants to help them from slipping when the...
  7. T

    Is Silnet the same as 100% silicone?

    Just as the title says. Want to use it to make some non slip surfaces. Thanks!!!