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  1. sjwfarms


    Push thursday + 2 miles Pull Friday Today: 4 miles 500' Apologies, have been out of sorts lately. We were 3 1/2 months in to a 4-6 week room remodel. Finally got it done and hopefully back to normal.
  2. sjwfarms


    3 mile run core
  3. sjwfarms


    yesterday: 5 miles 800' Today: Pull Warmup Cable pullovers 2x15 deads 10/10/10/8/5 135/185/225/275/315 strict pullups 5x5 BW 30 sec rest seated cable rows 10/10/8 160/180/200 DB hammers 3x10 35 Been out of pocket this weekend. Spent Fri-Sunday redoing hardwood floors that contractor...
  4. sjwfarms

    Has your dog been injured?

    Lab came back lame after a long retrieve in Arkansas rice field. Thought it was a sprain/tendon issue. Due to the injury called the hunt short and drove the 4 hours home with him in his kennel. He was passed out and in shock when I arrived home at 9PM. Emergency late night vet visit and...
  5. sjwfarms

    Four words that ruin an elk hunt

    You hit the cow...
  6. sjwfarms


    4.5 miles 725'
  7. sjwfarms


    Push day: warmup chest/rear delt flies 2x15 each DB Bench 10/8/8/7 55/70/85/100s DB arnolds 12/15 60/45s DB overhead tri 3x12 75s Decline pushups 25/25/20 Hammer decline 2x12 180 core stretch
  8. sjwfarms


    3 miles 400' Tweaked shoulder working on tractor this weekend. Hopefully back to the weights tomorrow. Miss being young. Congrats to your brother and his guide @InkedElkSlayer. If I ever get a lucky draw in MT you might get a DM.
  9. sjwfarms


    3 miles 400' and a lot of stretching time to start filling up the pack with some weight, elk hunt only 7 months out...
  10. sjwfarms

    Argentina dove hunting

    Aside from the obvious cash my guide really appreciated some nicer camo gear and hats I gave him. Not sure about the operation you're going to but my experience down there has been that I have been assigned one guide for all of my days of hunting. therefore you're building a friendship with...
  11. sjwfarms


    Turkey hunting trip turned in to a bush hogging/weed spraying trip. A few gobbling but all henned up and not interested in playing. Encountered more snakes than normal, one with some sort of rattling device one his tail. A first on my farm. Today 5 miles 800'...wife mixed it up and decided...
  12. sjwfarms


    leg day: warmup seated curls 2x 12 80/100 leg extensions 10/10/8 130/150/180 Leg press 2/4/6/8/10/12 plates x 10 and back down, no rest except to change plates 24" box steps 2x15 each 25# KBs 36" box steps 2x15 each BW heading to the farm tomorrow to chase gobblers
  13. sjwfarms


    3.5 miles 400'
  14. sjwfarms


    pull day: warmup and pullup ladder to 6 hex deads 10/10/10/10/8/6 45/135/185/225/275/305 seated cable rows 10/10/8 + amrap 140/160/180 + 120 Hammer pulldowns 10/8 + amrap 140/180 + 90 cable curls 2x15 60 3 miles
  15. sjwfarms


    back after 4 days in the Ozarks fishing. snuck in about 9 miles and a pretty good vertical over a few days but didn't have my app to calculate actual....crazy ass eclipse people were everywhere today: Push warmup chest/delt flies: 2x15 each DB Bench 4x 10 50/65/80/95 DB seated military 10/8/7...
  16. sjwfarms


    ^^ Primarily trout, big brown ones
  17. sjwfarms


    hybrid: warmup 5x10 deads @ 225 pullup ladder to 6 and back 4 miles 500' We're having hardwoods refinished so have to get out for a few days. Fly rods and black dogs will be loaded in the truck in the AM. Headed to the Ozarks to fish through the weekend. Keep up the good work gents!
  18. sjwfarms


    Push day: warmup chest/shoulder flies BB Bench 10/10/8 then 5x5 135/185/215/235 DB shoulder press 8/7/13. 65/65/50 BB Decline Bench 3x8 225 Cable bar tri ext 3x12 70 core 2 miles...every 5 mins it went from sunshine to monsoon season
  19. sjwfarms


    5 miles 850'
  20. sjwfarms


    Easiest way to tell you Western guys from those of us east of the Mississippi. You count sides, we add em all up. Wife congratulated me on my 11 point elk this year 🤣