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  1. sjwfarms


    3 miles 400' Save some of that Montana cool weather for next month when I'm out there...
  2. sjwfarms


    Push day: light due to mystery shoulder pain DB flies warmups 2x12 20/30 DB Bench 3x10 50/65/80 DB shoulder press 2x10 50s Hammer incline 2x15 90 Cable flies chest/shoulder light 3x10 each Cable tris
  3. sjwfarms


    4.5 miles 600' First 95 degree day and it's not summer yet. They say the heat and humidity in the south is equivalent to training in the higher altitudes out west. I've got no choice but to believe whoever "they" are coming to this conclusion.
  4. sjwfarms


    legs: warmup leg curls 3x10 extensions 3x10 Leg press 3x10 230/280/330 45 degree goblet 3x15 80kb 24" box steps 3x10 each 40dbs 30" box steps 2x15 bw core
  5. sjwfarms


    3 miles 30 mins stretch
  6. sjwfarms


    pull day: light one stretch warmup deads 10/10/8 135/185/225 pullups 5x5 rack chins 3x10 trx various rows 4x10 one armed farmers carry 2 mins alternating every 30 secs 80kb Pretty sure you can drive it faster than that....
  7. sjwfarms


    3 miles 400'
  8. sjwfarms


    3 neighborhood miles yesterday Today Push warmup 3x15 flies BB Bench 10/10/10/8/6 + amrap 45/135/185/215/235 + 175 DB shoulder press 10/10/8 50/60/70 DB incline 2x12 75s overhead DB tris 3x10 70s core
  9. sjwfarms


    yesterday: 2 miles today: legs seated curls 3x12 80/105/120 extensions 3x12 100/120/140 45 deg goblet 3x10 85# DB 24" box steps 3x10 each 40# 30" box step 3x8 BW 5 secs up/5 secs down calves core
  10. sjwfarms


    5 miles 800'
  11. sjwfarms


    pull day warmup/stretch Hex deads 10/10/8/8/6 45/135/185/225/275 3x5 pullups Hammer pulldowns 15/10/8 + amrap 90/160/200 + 110 cable rows 10/8 + amrap 140/180 + 120 core work
  12. sjwfarms


    4 miles 500' time to start loading the pack
  13. sjwfarms


    push day: warmup flies 2x15 DB bench 10/8/8/6 60/75/90/105 DB seated shoulder press 2x10 55/65 Hammer decline 10/10/8 90/180/270 DB Y's 2x12 30's KB single arm tris 12kg 2x amrap decline pushups bw
  14. sjwfarms


    quick leg day: (outdoor gym 75 degrees) warmup + 3 working sets each seated leg curls 12/10/10 75/100/120 extension 12/10/1090/125/150 24" box steps 3x10 30# KBs 30" box steps 3x10 BW 3x15 yard sleds forward/back after that gym was a little chaotic, something to do with a court case....
  15. sjwfarms

    Quepos Costa Rica Fishing

    Inshore (rooster fish) and offshore both great that time of year and pretty calm. Spent a few days offshore last June (Jaco), while we got in to the yellowfin way offshore, the seas were brutal if that's an issue. again, not usually an issue in Jan. Don't have a specific charter but yes...
  16. sjwfarms


    3 miles, enjoying a little cool front
  17. sjwfarms


    Pull day: stretch warmup deads 10/8/8/8 + amrap 45/135/185/225/275 + 205 seated cable rows 10/10/8 + drop set 120/160/200 + drop Pullup ladder to 6 Bunch of TRX row variations 3 miles solid work as always @mtwarden! your efforts are definitely motivational
  18. sjwfarms


    3 miles 400" and a lot of screwing....again,, I'm fixing my deck this weekend
  19. sjwfarms


    push day: machine flies pec/delt warmup 2x15 each BB Bench 10/10/8/6/4/2 + amrap 45/135/185/225/255/275 + amrap DB arnolds 8/8/6 + amrap 50/60/70 + 45s BB decline 10/8/8 185/205/225 DB shoulder Ys 3x10 30s DB overhead tris 2x12 70 2 miles spending the 3 day weekend replacing the railing on...
  20. sjwfarms


    👆👆 Good luck on your trek! I'm tired just looking at that elevation chart.