Search results

  1. S

    To Peep sight or not ?

    Based on what you can shoot at 50 with open sights, I wouldn't bother changing a combo that works...
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    CVA Temporarily Ceasing Paramount Production Due To BH209 Scarcity

    Meh in mine. Accuracy greatly reduced in comparison to when I was using BH209. Going to try 777 for this fall.
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    Stolen Taxidermy

    Even better, a flacky taxidermist stole two bear hides from me, including a beautiful colour phased 21 7/16 in bear and an 18 in blackie, when he went out of business. LEO or COs wouldn't do anything about it...
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    Best hunting pants for short legs

    Find a pair you like and get them hemmed?
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    How long have you been at your current job?

    18 years at my current job but starting a new one next week. More pay, better hours and less responsibilities. It was a no brainer.
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    Have you moved out of state?

    Moved from Eastern Canada to the Prairies for work. I was only supposed to be here a couple years. Well, a decade later I'm still here and intend on staying here forever. I'm not going back East. Not a fan of people in general and the Prairies have everything I need. Within an 8 hour drive, I...
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    Alberta Outfitter Recommendations

    Don't overlook Saskatchewan!
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    Everyone’s 2024 season plans

    September: Yukon caribou/moose October: Saskatchewan rifle mule deer and Wyoming elk and pronghorn November/December: Saskatchewan mule deer (3 tags total) and whitetail. Going to try and end the season without a divorce, wish me luck. 🤞
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    Anybody draw WY ?

    Drew a pretty good elk tag in the random and my second choice pronghorn as expected. My pronghorn points live to see another draw!
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    Most expensive thing you lost while hunting

    Vortex range finder during the rut. Found it the following fall, still working.
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    Who’s backpacked with a young dog?

    Good advices! I'm looking at doing a 40k round trip with my younger lab at the end of the month!
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    No Big Game Tags Drawn, is this normal?

    Is this the artist formerly known as @AntelopeEater from HT? If so, didn't you draw a good Nevada antelope tag last year? I'd say every other year is a pretty good batting average. I average draw tags every other year in my home Province. Some years I draw everything, others I draw nothing.
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    Wyo NonRes Antelope & Deer results tomorrow morning!

    It'll be elk and pronghorn for me this fall on top of the tags I'll be hunting at home!
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    Blackhorn209 in stock @ Midway

    I've given up on BH209. Can't get it anywhere in Canada since about 2022. 777 got my business now.
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    Crossing Canda border

    It's always harder for me to cross the border back to Canada, CBSA doesn't mess around, our house our rules. Unless you run guns or drugs from the US through a border rez, then by all means, stroll right in... It's been already said, but 100% look into crossing the Canadian border as a...
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    Best Boots for Western Hunting?

    Try a few different pairs on. Feet are pretty tricky and what's good for me, might not work for you. I'm a big fan of Lowas and have four different models. I recently bought a pair of Hanwag as Lowa's prices have just sky rocketed. Time will tell if it was a good switch. I would've really...
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    Budget / non name brand / took a chance thread

    The Walmart Wrangler pants are hands down the best bang for your buck. They're better and cheaper, than my Kuiu or Firstlite pants. I've worn them in 40C to -40C weather. The Wrangler Sport shirt is pretty damn nice for the money and perfect when you want long sleeves in the summer.
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    JRE w/ Cam and Steve

    In response to: I don't know what criticizing influencers and hunting celebrities had to do with banning guns or 2A. Not everything is a government plot. When you jump in a leopard cage and a leopard eats your face, don't go around complaining that a leopard ate your face. If "hunters" keep...
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    JRE w/ Cam and Steve

    Buddy, well call a spade a spade, "hunting" by blowing up animals, is plain f'n wrong. I think you missed the part where I mentioned that FILMING IT and posting it online is what is making it us look bad. No one cared about spear bear hunting until Josh Bowmar filmed his hunt and aired/posted...
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    Backcountry Bear Baiting

    I spend about 200-300 bucks a season on bait and will do 3 trips prior to the season opening and bait every time I'm out hunting. I run two 55 gal drums which usually allows me to wait until the next weekend. I live 2.5 hours away so it's a commitment for sure but worth it when you get to watch...