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  1. T

    Electric Wireless Dog Fence Recommendations?

    My head is starting to spin with all the options so I thought some of ya'll might have a good recommendation. Looking for something that I can adjust the boundaries myself, most of them just seem to project a circle which won't work great for us as we just have a 1 acre lot. Anybody got a good...
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    Are we at war ?

    I'm not sure if we're at war or not but enough crazy shit is going on that it seems pretty prudent to have ample supplies of food, fuel & firewood.
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    CO Mtn Lion hunting ban ballot initiative

    So lame. I fear for the day this crap starts happening in Idaho, probably only a matter of time as quickly as the Treasure Valley has grown.
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    Colorado wolves released today

    Same reason that IDF&G did their best to keep the identity of the guy who drew the Grizzly tag a secret. Plenty of wack jobs out there on both sides of pretty much anything these days.
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    Muley Freak poaching case plea deal

    Wouldn't surprise me if they did, Kryptek is not exactly run by folks with an amazing moral compass.
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    2024 Idaho General Draw! 10 days until the MADNESS!

    It'd be easier to get a tag if every freaking influencer under the sun wasn't out there preaching "Oh you didn't draw a tag anywhere else....go to Idaho, they will welcome you with open arms." An option that could potentially help would be to make the tags non-refundable. So many people buy...
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    Muley Freak poaching case plea deal

    Who are they? I don't even want to search up his social media to find out.
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    Muley Freak poaching case plea deal

    It'd be great if the social media companies would just ban all hunting photos/content. But...something tells me they are smart enough to know that if they let folks keep posting hunting content that hunters will be their own worst enemy.
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    Colorado wolves released today

    Somebody should get near that release site and try to do some howling/calling while they are still wondering what is going on and where they are at...might be easier to call in for a little bit here. You take pictures of course.
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    Are City Firefighters Overpaid?

    I'm always curious about folks who have the stance of your last sentence... Why are they overpaid? Doesn't it seem the folks cutting the checks to them must feel they are worth it? Do you think that if they weren't being paid that money it would somehow make it's way to the salaries of folks...
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    Why give your money to RMEF if your “out east” ?

    Fair enough, so what have they done at the Federal Level? Not trying to pick a fight, trying to get educated. To me, SCI has always just seemed like a good ol' boys club for the rich dudes who buy Governors tags and go on Safaris in Africa.
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    What’s always in your truck/vehicle?

    It's the mans job to keep his Wife's car full of gas.
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    Why give your money to RMEF if your “out east” ?

    So having a big convention makes them the best Conservation Org? I have multiple projects within an hour of my house that RMEF has had a significant hand in....I don't know of a single project or issue in the State of Idaho that I've seen SCI have anything to do with. What do they actually do...
  14. T

    Wyoming G&F, how de we get a voice as NR's?

    I've always failed to see how someone can act like a hero for shooting so many animals they don't need anymore meat and then donating the rest to charity....maybe just stop shooting stuff when the freezer is full? But I guess that doesn't get the content for social media and bragging rights huh?