Search results for query: Misty River

  1. Bighorse

    *updated 3/3/24* 2 oz that might be worthing adding to your first aid kit *updated 3/3/24*

    I'm a 20 yr CT and xray technologist.....I know I find this to be an interesting conversation. We are engaging in risk by choice and discussing how to mitigate failure. I personally take great care to not fail. I prefer to accept the risk, as serious as it is, and make choices to avoid...
  2. netman

    That Moment

    Standing on a hill in North Dakota alongside the Missouri River with a full limit of ducks,geese, Sandhills and pheasant strapped up slung over my shoulder. My Chesapeake Bay retriever ‘Catfish’ sitting by my side. We were watching as every duck and goose was migrating south out of Saskatchewan...
  3. steadytowingandshot

    2019 Succesful Brooks Range Caribou DIY

    I wanted to make a post about our successful 2019 caribou hunt as a thank you to everyone who has ever posted on here about caribou. We both got decent bulls for our first ever caribou so were very happy. Not the biggest bulls in the world, but not too shabby for our first time. We scoured the...
  4. Bighorse

    Has western hunting become a wealthy man's sport?

    Ok, then take your poor mans kit and try and hunt Mt. Goats in the Misty Fiords. Or get you Kit and hunt Black Bear on Haida Gwaii. Or load up your kit and get Tahr. All of a sudden access costs far out weighs gear. Or try shooting a big Moose OTC in remote central AK. Who's priced a...
  5. J

    Has western hunting become a wealthy man's sport?

    Ya sure, take your "rich man kit" to Africa to hunt elephants....whoops aint so rich anymore is it??? You're comparing grapes to watermelons. I don't know if "western hunting" encompasses AK and the NWT, B.C., etc. Since most folks would have a hard time saving for the travel costs to get...
  6. MuleyFever

    Has western hunting become a wealthy man's sport?

    I think "western hunting" as the OP stated and what you are talking about are 2 different things for the most part. Those AK or NWT adventures are for the more well off. If I wanted to do one of those hunts I would have to give up a lot for more than a few years including local hunting. Once I...
  7. docdb

    Back from the Brooks: Success

    Guys (and Gals), I am just starting to unwind after the hunt in the Brooks. I had a wonderful time. As always, I come away from one of these guided hunts with enormous respect for those of you that can do it on your own. This is my 5th Dall sheep hunt, and I've harvested 4 rams, and I think...