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  1. W

    If you could only have 1 rimfire rifle

    Out of the ten rimfires in my collection the Kimber 82 Super America is my favorite. It is a beautiful little gun and handles and operates like many bolt action center fire rifles, along with the fact that it is very accurate. No squirrel is safe.
  2. W

    Red dot vs Pistol scope for 460 SW

    Installed an Aimpoint H2 on a 460 and could not keep the mount from working loose even with locktite. I then move to a Leupold scope and secured it with three rings. Never have had a problem after that. The Aimpoint did not go to waste, as it is mounted on a S&W model 41. It has work...
  3. W

    What’s your rifle weigh?

    Z3 - I dropped a couple of pounds on rifle weight when going to the Cooper
  4. W

    What’s your rifle weigh?

    Cooper 6.5 x 284, shoots lights out
  5. W

    Scope Recommendation for 5.5 lb 30-06 Mountain Rifle

    Looks like the third vote for Swarovski Z3. One sits on top of my Cooper Backcountry.
  6. W

    Suggestions on a chonograph?

    I called them up on the internet, seems like they are still making chronographs.
  7. W

    Suggestions on a chonograph?

    I have been using a Pact for 30 years, no issues.
  8. W

    Min Scope Power

    Not a problem, unless you leave out the practice both at the range and at the house shouldering the rifle.
  9. W

    Hip Replacement Full Recovery Time

    I had my left hip replaced about 8 years ago, at 53. It was totally shot, not from a single serious injury, but from living life to its’ fullest. At the time i looked for an ortho that could perform the replacement using a fairly new method of anterior versus the older established posterior...