Search results

  1. S

    Fast Twist 22’s

    Personally if I wanted to shoot heavies I would jump up to the 6mm before I did it in .224. Minimal bullet drop to 300 is top of my list. Shooting pdogs I would consider a heavy .224, so I could lob em out there further. If I was forced to chose I would try the .22creed before I bought another 250.
  2. S

    Fawn-Killer Down!

    Skin it down a bit further with your knife, before you start pulling vs. just cutting around the base and starting too pull. Make sure you don't get hair stuck down in there or it can hold you up as well!
  3. S

    Coyote Hunting/Calling Noob - What am I doing wrong?

    What is your calling sequence like? - If you keep using the same sounds/sequence (with no success), expect the same results. If you area has a lot of other callers, you will have to find sounds that others don't use and the coyotes like. Do your stands give them some cover slightly down wind...
  4. S

    Does Anyone NOT Take a Picture Anymore?

    Always take pictures and make it a priority when with family/friends! Growing up my family did not take any pictures, unless it was family pictures. If I could do it over, I would have a scrap book of pics, with names/dates/notes!
  5. S

    Baler parts

    Call All state ag parts - or maybe you can find it in here
  6. S

    WHats the story with NOSLER ??

    It's been a PIA - .30 AB and Partitions have been in stock in the last year, just not for long. Sierra has certain bullets in stock all the time, but not what I am looking for. Hornady seems to be in stock everywhere, but I'm not paying that close of attention since I'm looking for specific...
  7. S

    Best caller for $300

    Educated coyotes will circle a lot further down wind than most people realize. Using a hand call works great, but its hard to kill the coyote that is hundreds of yards down wind of you, where you can't even see them (you need to be hidden if calling - typically not in a great vantage point)...
  8. S

    Fairplay, CO area - Question/Help

    Mr. Sherman is a good family hike, we did it ~10 years ago. Not the most scenic, but you can fly up and down it. From the fairplay side you should be fine in your van.
  9. S

    Which of the big 3 make the strongest towing truck?

    Diesel has more power - gas is more reliable? Emissions problems seem to be the culprit on chevy's/fords, which is super annoying (sensor goes bad and truck won't run, doesn't matter the brand they will leave you stranded). Dodges just suck - drove one to 30K and one to 100K over 6 years - blew...
  10. S

    Nebraska's killing off their elk herd?

    If the landowners charge money to hunt elk in this area, then we probably don't need to have a special unlimited season. Do you get to bill an exterminator who removes rodents from your property?
  11. S

    Nebraska's killing off their elk herd?

    Hope you find some access and your son gets a cow! My biggest gripe with this whole season is how poorly it looks to the general public. If I read in the news that they did a depredation hunt out there and filled a crap ton of youth cow/calf tags, I wouldn't even blink and eye vs. the free for...
  12. S

    In case anybody was worried about land prices...

    You are correct - My post was in response to "how busy a midwest farmer actually is"! I've watched guys work around the clock- year round and lose the farm. I know guys who work just as hard and make a good living. I know guys that work way less than I do and have made a shit ton of money...
  13. S

    Nebraska's killing off their elk herd?

    So I can't find deer, along the north/south platte rivers, along with the pasture or CRP fields in this area? Once harvest is over, this 500,000+ acre area is completely devoid of big game, but they come back in June when the corn starts to grow again? I get what you are saying, but I think it's...
  14. S

    Nebraska's killing off their elk herd?

    I find it hard to believe that "most of the landowners" will allow access for free (sounds like nebraska pre 2000). I'm sure there are a couple, but no where close to the majority. I have a hard time getting permission to shoot coyotes in this state anymore!
  15. S

    In case anybody was worried about land prices...

    You forgot the part where you can hire someone to plant and harvest for you too (most people do one or the other). Most people also hire out someone to spray for them as well. That opens up a lot more free time!
  16. S

    Nebraska's killing off their elk herd?

    While I understand there are instances where depredation hunts are needed for management, the unlimited either sex tag seems excessive. I wouldn't question it so much, if I thought landowners would allow access and not charge a ridiculous price to shoot a cow in their pasture, that they don't...
  17. S

    June Iron Will Broadhead Giveaway!

    SB100 - for the limited entry bull tag I drew this year (12+ point unit I drew in the random)! If you can engrave "not for raghorns", I might not shoot the first bull that screams in my face this year.
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    How many days to you devote to an elk trip?

    When hunting with other tag holders, I try to plan for 3-5 days per hunter. Typically I'm taking 2 weeks off in september.
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    Wyoming nonresident elk draw thread!

    My cow hunt turned into a bull hunt, thanks to the random draw. No complaints here!
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    Wyoming nonresident elk draw thread!

    Hoping for a little luck in the random draw for a LE tag this year!