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  1. P

    Whats your name boy?

    I grew up on the Great Plains and was born in 79’. Pretty original huh?
  2. P

    Wyoming General Archery

    Fair enough. If possible take a long weekend and do some scouting, it’ll confirm or deny your suspicions.
  3. P

    Wyoming General Archery

    Historical herd numbers are declining every year. Roughly half of the state seen a major winter kill. Your assumption is correct, that typically during archery deer season hunting pressure isn’t as heavy as long as you aren’t in good elk country.
  4. P

    Question for the 301 Level Deer Hunters From a 201 Guy

    Although I don’t think I’m in the same class of hunters as you mentioned. These guys should be the professors instead of the students. I do fit your description. I primarily hunt OTC and 0-1 point units every year. Very rarely do I hunt anything that takes 2 or more points. Habitat-It’s no...
  5. P

    How Hunting has Changed

    @Travis Hobbs that’s a heartbreaking story about the family involved in the accident. Please know I will pray for everyone involved. 🙏
  6. P

    Antler restoration near Denver?

    You might want to give Colorado Creations in Longmont a try. They do quality work.
  7. P


    Nice buck man!
  8. P

    Christensen Arms Issue or Scope Issue

    If you cleaned the barrel before shooting, did you shoot a couple “foul rounds” before going out to 400 or did you shoot the clean barrel at 400? I know my Ridgeline shoots a bit different right after I clean it. Just a thought..
  9. P

    Biggest Buck to Date

    Good buck! Congratulations!
  10. P

    First Time Mule Deer Hunt - DIY West River South Dakota

    The weather in SD in November can be beautiful or brutal. I’d definitely have a backup plan for cold and snow. Have fun and be safe.
  11. P

    WTS Maven B.5 18x56

    Message sent
  12. P


    Great buck! Anthony and his crew are the real deal!
  13. P

    Dimensions of a mature buck track?

    This was a track from an area I hunted last year. That’s a 6.5 prc with a coal of 2.95. Definitely another mature buck. I killed a buck on this hunt, in the same general area that lab aged at 5 years old. Tracks don’t lie!!
  14. P

    Dimensions of a mature buck track?

    Cool subject and definitely something I enjoy doing that helps me find/hunt big bucks. This past scouting season I went out looking for tracks after a good rain storm. I came across this one. You can see where his front/heavy shoulders stepped first and then the smaller back foot stepped into...
  15. P

    Hunting Journal

    I started doing it a few years ago, I keep a notebook wedged in between the seat and console of the truck and then record the days events when I get done. I try to log everything pertinent to the scout/hunt. Where I hunted, morning/evening/all day, temps, wind, clear or cloudy. Then I go on to...
  16. P

    Do you keep your vehicle clean?

    Nope-Trash gets thrown any when I get fuel and the floor mats gets dumped when enough gravel starts to pile up. Outside gets washed once maybe twice a year.
  17. P


    Nice Nebraska buck Austin, congratulations!
  18. P

    6.5 PRC Scope Recommendations

    I went through the same decision last spring with my 6.5prc. I primarily hunt thick country mule deer with places that will occasionally offer a 600 yard shot. I really looked for something that had a good magnification range. With the type of country I like to hunt dialing isn’t a very good...
  19. P


    Great buck man, congratulations!!