Search results

  1. Highlands Hunter

    Tall bucks

    This one is from 2020.
  2. Highlands Hunter

    Tall bucks

    This was a fairly tall buck from about 8 years ago.
  3. Highlands Hunter

    Exo k4 women’s and Initial Ascent Invictus

    My daughter tired both of these packs on and much preferred the K4.
  4. Highlands Hunter

    Zeiss Victory SF review: 10x vs. 8x

    Robby, optically how do the 40mm SFLs stack up against the 32mm SFs?
  5. Highlands Hunter

    Best spotting scope under 1000

    A used Kowa 663 or 664 with the fixed 30x eyepiece is very nice.
  6. Highlands Hunter

    mini excavator

    I own a mini ex and I am very I happy I bought it. I have to do quite a bit of trenching around my place and it’s been very helpful. Additionally, I’ve been using it to straighten up my fence posts and various other projects.
  7. Highlands Hunter

    Is there one brand that is truly the best for carrying weight?

    The Revolution frame was better without the lumbar pad when using heavier weights. With the lumbar pad it sagged more and the belt became to small. However, without the lumbar pad the bottom of the frame would hit the top of my glutes. I’m not a very big guy, 5’8” and 155 lbs. The frame worked...
  8. Highlands Hunter

    Is there one brand that is truly the best for carrying weight?

    I am only sharing my experience. It does works for some, just not for me. I used one for 3 years and realized it’s just not comfortable for me when carry much more that the typical items need for day hunting. I went on a 25 mile backpack trip through the mountains of Montana in 2021 and had...
  9. Highlands Hunter

    Hill Style/ASL Longbows Anyone?

    Northern Mist Superior 66” 50 lbs @ 28”. I love this bow more than any other.
  10. Highlands Hunter

    Exo customer service review

    Exo’s customer service is among the best I’ve experienced.
  11. Highlands Hunter

    Burris Optics Overall Impressions/Reliability

    I bought a used Burris Fullfield II off of the classifieds last year and mounted it on my daughter .243, so far it’s been great. I found another for a great price and bought for a .270 Win I have, but have not had a chance to use it.
  12. Highlands Hunter

    Kowa 663 - Thoughts?

    I think he’s referring to the older 66 series. I have a 663 with the 30x eyepiece and the variable eyepiece. The 30x is much better and very sharp. I have one season under my belt using it, and so far I am impressed with it.
  13. Highlands Hunter

    SG Xcurve- great CS experience

    I’ve tried their packs but unfortunately their frame is to tall for me. I however love their lumbar pads; they just work for me. I called them up a month ago and asked to purchase a LP from them and they asked me what was going on. I told them I no longer have one of their packs and I now use...
  14. Highlands Hunter

    Exo Mountain K4?

    I really like my Exo rifle carrier, it does it’s job well. The Exo rifle carrier keeps my rifle secure and I can access it quickly when I want to. I don’t mind taking off my pack to reattached the rifle, and prefer the location and placement of the carrier on my pack.
  15. Highlands Hunter

    Kifaru Ark vs Exo K4?

    I agree, a good quality lumbar like the Exo or Kifaru does a good job; K4 feels amazing when loaded down with a pile of elk meat. I was able to be apart of packing out 4 elk, 3 mule deer, and 1 antelope last fall. The K4 did its job really well. However, I think the SG lumbar may make it even...
  16. Highlands Hunter

    Kifaru Ark vs Exo K4?

    For me the biggest issue with Exo and Kifaru is their lumbar pad….it’s to big. The K4 lumbar with a shim in it works pretty good, but it’s still not exactly what I prefer. Did anyone notice the new lumbar pad on the ARK frame? It looks like it’s a bigger version of the K4 lumbar pad. Anyway...
  17. Highlands Hunter

    Compare & Contrast Exo K4 5000 and Stone Glacier Sky 5900

    The K4 is a great pack, and the one I currently own. I had SG 5900, but the frame was to tall…..I loved their lumbar pad though. I called SG and ask them to make me a 24-25” frame and they told me no. So I moved on and bought an Exo, in fact I’ve bought 3.
  18. Highlands Hunter

    Kifaru pack suggestions

    I’m a big fan of the Hellbender.
  19. Highlands Hunter

    Is there one brand that is truly the best for carrying weight?

    A SO is a very comfortable pack if you are carrying nothing more than your knife and a sack lunch, after that it is a no go. The K4 is awesome, the SG is awesome but the 26” frame is to tall for me, the Kifaru is awesome but not quite on the same level as the K4 for me.