Search results

  1. K

    Truck bed camping Insulation

    Buddy heater
  2. K

    Ultra Light compact chair for public land hunting

    Waldrop pacseat. You’re welcome.
  3. K

    New Mexico Executive order

    How is saying you're going to break a law on the internet being a badass? I would think just doing what you think is right, in spite of the law, and not telling the internet you did it or will do it, is more "badass". Why even talk about it?
  4. K

    Bow season is slipping away. I Guess you guys with backup bows aren't crazy... Warranty BS

    I’ve gone 25 years without buying a new now because it always made sense to me to buy two used ones so one can be a backup. I finally gave in and bought a new bow this year. I still have one of my used ones as a backup. But if funds were tight, I’d go with two used bows a couple years old over a...
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    New Mexico Executive order

    The rule is being put in place because dumb people are crossing state lines, breathing all over strangers, congregating in places indoors, etc. this behavior is continuing to spread the virus, to a point where there’s concern the health effects can’t be managed. it’s got nothing to do with...
  6. K

    Colorado Parks and Wildlife still fails at leftovers

    Seemed to work just fine to me. Tens of thousands of people vying for a tiny number of tags seems like a no win proposition for making the folks who don’t get them happy. It’s random, and on a scale that’s tough to understand. I waited in cue. I got through. I entered the codes. They were sold...
  7. K

    Do I need a 200 spine arrow?

    What hasn’t been mentioned yet is that if you go with 200 spine, and decide to use slightly less weight, you’ll still tune fine. Too stiff is usually fine within reason with a compound. You should easily be able to source and build a 500-600 grain arrow in 200 spine. A 10-11gpi shaft, and...
  8. K

    X impact fletching

    Zinger fletches
  9. K

    RUMPL down puffy blankets?

    I will be trying out the big agnes mckinnis/getout gear puffy blanket combo this season. If weather looks for sub 30* temps, I'll resort back to standard setup. But the flexibility and compact nature of this setup should work great for 30-50* in early season. I'm also going to be in a small...
  10. K

    Pants/shirts for hot archery season. Any thing new out there?

    I like the lightweight synthetics for fishing or an afternoon hunt or exercise. But if I’m in 90/90 + weather, and don’t have access to a washing machine for each time I sweat, I’ll Take the lightest merino gear I can get. Synthetics flat out stink if you sweat multiple times and it’s allowed to...
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    trekking poles but I have a set of carbon poles for silex too that will work with it. They’re a little long so it’s not the perfect pitch but still work fine. the way this shelter sets up, an adjustable pole is key. It’s designed around that feature.
  12. K

    Pants/shirts for hot archery season. Any thing new out there? If you can find these, they’re really light.
  13. K


    I’ve been messing with this tent for the last few days. If you’re under 6’3, and not super wide, this thing is jam up. I have a protrail, and a silex, and this thing kicks their butts in setup time. Both of those shelters are really quick and easy to set up. But this is another level. I went...
  14. K

    Black eagle spartan setup

    You could just buy one or two shafts of your choosing from Lancaster, a field tip test kit from ethics archery, stick one stock insert in, and shoot from 100gr up to 300gr on front end to see what works best. Then order a dozen, and the appropriate ethics half outs or insert/footer system that...
  15. K

    Arrow spine

    You’re borderline with that setup. If arrows are uncut you’ll likely be underspined. Try backing the bow down 5lbs and see if the tear improves. If it does, spine. If not, look into the other things noted above. there’s no harm in going to a 200spine with your setup though.
  16. K

    What’s a luxury item?

    This thread makes me want to buy a bunch of crap I don’t need. Also, apparently I live under a rock and there’s “good” sleeping pads. Exped came up a lot. I’ll dig back in for some research. On topic, I read a lot when I’m alone - I’d say a Couple dozen books or if you’re the digital type...
  17. K

    Titanium pot handles too hot - need a solution

    If you can take them off the pot, shrink tubing will work, they make heavier duty stuff with an adhesive in it
  18. K

    *Approach* to a day pack hunt?

    What’s the farthest walk you’ll get from the camp site?
  19. K

    Extending sight question

    If you shoot heavier arrows, or a slower bow, the further out you extend your bar, the less available range you’ll have to adjust the sight before interfering with your arrow. example - I have a bow that shoots 250fps. When I have the hha optimizer ultra on it, I can shoot 80 yards. When I put...
  20. K

    Anyone ever leave a light on to help find camp?

    This was exactly what I was looking for. Picked a couple up. Perfect, one for camp one for pack. Peace of mind solo this year. Thanks