Search results

  1. 3

    Balcony waterproofing membrane.

    You said "balconies" as in multiple. Are you doing this as a contractor or a homeowner? If this a a contract job, my suggestion is decline the work. The liability is massive, especially if these balconies are over occupied space. There are methods listed in the NTCA handbook for exterior tile...
  2. 3

    Looking for 5x8 tarp

    I have the borah tarp and it goes wherever my pack goes. Great lightweight affordable option.
  3. 3

    2P Freestanding Tent with best ventilation

    I like my kuiu mountain star, but I would not like it as much with 2 people. Could be done, but I prefer it as a large 1 person tent. No condensation issues for me thus far.
  4. 3

    What a nice surprise

    Sounds like a great trip. I think most people are pretty friendly outwardly, at least those who run into each other on the mountain, but bad apples in every bunch for sure. Why'd the other guys partner leave him, it was planned and just out of time, or other circumstances? All these posts about...
  5. 3

    2024 September Haul Road Caribou Report

    cheaper to fill up cans in Fairbanks, but not stopping in Coldfoot seems like asking for a problem. I could skip Coldfoot and use the cans but I'd be stressing to get to Deadhorse to get everything filled back up. I'd rather be able to hunt a few days before needing to get gas or worrying about...
  6. 3

    Help with release and finish

    These kind of threads stress me out. my hand doesn't move at all after I shoot and now, I feel like I am doing something wrong.
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    Lost 82 year old elk hunter in Oregon - good ending

    Old fella was probably putting the stalk on a massive bull and then a bunch of s&r guys come bursting out of a fern to ruin it all. He would have pushed the locator for the pack out. Old guys are crafty.
  8. 3

    Large pack for 10+ day trip similar to the new MR Metcalf 100

    I have a sawtooth that I switch for the beartooth if I need to haul more stuff. Can usually get by with a dry bag in the meat shelf with my camp that gets dropped when I reach my area, then just hunting with the sawtooth.
  9. 3

    Hiking safely in big game country

    We have moose where I am and when they are problematic in town, the officials who go out to remedy the problem are always doing it with a shotgun. Certainly there are other ways to dispatch a moose, but generally if they know that is the issue, they take a shotgun.
  10. 3

    Hiking safely in big game country

    shotgun would be the choice.
  11. 3

    Lost 82 year old elk hunter in Oregon - good ending

    did he get the bull? Poor reporting.
  12. 3

    What is everyone using for a smartwatch?

    have a garmin. bought a galaxy since the garmin isn't in my mind really a smart watch, the galaxy sits in the dresser drawer. The garmin is just better and I really don't need all the other stuff.
  13. 3

    2024 September Haul Road Caribou Report

    wait, so now I need to pack two spare windows along with extra tires. I am going to need a bigger truck for next season. Looks like you had fun, frustrations are part of the deal at times.
  14. 3

    How do you guys successfully hunt wallows

    I like to be active when hunting but I usually try and end up near a wallow when I lunch or take a mid day break. Never really had any luck doing it that way but it seems like a good idea if I am going to be taking a break for awhile or things aren't really productive, sitting by a wallow is...
  15. 3

    Sitka drama??

    I don't see the point in handles on the bottom of a jacket, but I guess you just got to patent it first and sales will roll in.
  16. 3

    Best bang for the buck waterproof tarp for the pnw?

    adding my vote for the borah tarp. Wish I would have gotten the next size up and likely will for next season, but this one has saved the day many of times during this rainy summer and just lives in my bag now.
  17. 3

    TROY SESSIONS TELLS ALL_ Rafts_Game bags_ exposing the truth..

    Can we get some outdoor writer to do another long range amputation and deer theft, things seem to be getting low in the weeds with some of these complaints latley.
  18. 3

    Oregon West Side Roosevelt Elk

    I don't call that often when hunting the coast range. Sometimes it can be effective, but it seems like, at least the areas I hunt, the elk are pretty pressured. I try and stay quiet and hunt in pockets that they get pushed into that most guys pass up. I've pulled a few groups out of thick stuff...
  19. 3

    Budget hot tent & stove?

    if you sew your own in, focus more on the location instead of the stress of putting in a stove jack. After doing my own, though happy with the results, I wish I'd have paid more attention to the location and how I was going to use the tent.
  20. 3

    Hunting in the 1980s and 90s

    late 80s early 90s were great and not too crowded where I hunted. almost everything was otc tags. mid 90s there was a big swing, noticed it first in duck hunting and then it just seemed to spread across all forms. I remember being 14 or 15 shooting a compound bow, with fingers since I didn't...