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  1. T

    Creepy experiences in the backcountry

    Well.... I guess that`s good! Might well apply to 99 out of 100 Colorado bears. With my luck I`d meet up with #100!
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    Creepy experiences in the backcountry

    I would agree that they are two different animals. The poster to which I and some others were responding didn`t specify, I don`t believe, the type of bear with which they were confronted. The comment I made and to which you refer was in reference to the whole notion of the advisability of...
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    6.5 CM For New Hunter

    Take a look at the Savage 110 line, especially the lite Storm in .223. I have the regular Storm in .223 and it`s been everything I could have wanted in a first hunting rifle
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    Creepy experiences in the backcountry

    You`re absolutely right, he might have. " Hey bear " was about it for a defensive strategy for Timothy Treadwell, AKA The Grizzly Man ", and his girlfriend, and I guess you could say it worked. Right up until they ran into the wrong bear. Which had added them both to the dinner menu.
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    Creepy experiences in the backcountry

    " " Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it." applies to lots of things in life IMHO. Also, I`m not sure what would constitute " holding my own " in the face of a determined bear attack(?). Maybe......just getting out of it alive with all limbs still attached?
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    PSA - Don't be a jackass out there

    And what`s even scarier.......They breed!!
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    Creepy experiences in the backcountry

    Well.....I.....guess that`s a point, although I`ve not categorized caution and preparation as being " paranoid" before. " Rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it. " has served me well in my 76 years on the rock.
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    Creepy experiences in the backcountry

    The backcountry ( however you wish to define " backcountry " ) just sort of lends itself to the creepy anyway. I`ve never understood people that can just merrily throw on a backpack, grab up a hiking pole and just hit some trail off into the deep woods or mountainous terrain with no signaling...
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    Creepy experiences in the backcountry

    Well....that would certainly get one`s rifle eased down out of the slung position, I would think!
  10. T

    Is the Expen$$$ive Turkey ammo worth it?

    There you go! I`d never characterize a wild turkey as " a giant waddling buzzard with a cool beard ", but you`re dead on target concerning calling them in . I agree that TSS has revolutionized turkey hunting, particularly with the sub-gauges, but the real sport is enticing him in to 25-35 yards...
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    Muzzle Break or Suppressor?

    Redneckbmxr was banished from Rokslide? Interesting. It did indeed appear that a lot of posters here had a belly full of him. I don`t think there`s a reason short of an overt threat of bodily harm (and I`m not really sure about that, even ) that could get one banned on SH. That`s a site where...
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    Muzzle Break or Suppressor?

    Interesting thread over on Sniper`s Hide concerning whether or not a brake is bad form at the shooting range. Of course, like most everything even semi-controversial on SH, the thread descends into pejoratives.
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    Down under FNG

    Have a college buddy that was a naval aviator. Spent a couple of tours with Arctic Development Squadron 6 flying scientific teams and equipment in and out of Antarctica on C-130s. Flew out of Christchurch, I believe. Said NZ was prettiest place he`d ever seen. Also said it was the most dangerous...
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    FNG from South Alabama

    Go Pirates!
  15. T

    Dropping pack to stalk...

    Geeze! Reading something like this makes me really feel my age!! LOL! Got tired just reading this post. Oh, to be young again and in great ( maybe even good? ) shape! Also, young or not, I`d be terrified to be in the middle of nowhere dropping things on purpose that I might need !
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    Savage model 10 upgrade questions (Stock, trigger, etc…)

    Good advice concerning
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    NASTY: expressing bird dog's glands

    We baby sit dogs for foster parents in the rescue with which we are affiliated. Gives the foster parents a place to keep their dogs if going out of town. We`ve kept several pits. Just about the sweetest dogs I`ve ever come across. They all deferred to our dog and were never aggressive towards...
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    Tick Repellant

    Nothing better than permethrin that I know of. I`m liberal with it during turkey season. It`s ironic that the most dangerous critter in the woods is no bigger than the very tip of your little finger.
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    Sold Stainless Savage 300wsm

    That`s a nice hunting rifle at a very good price. Really like my 110 Storm in .223. That`s a good deal for somebody IMHO.
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    New Tikka Rifles Shot Show 2024

    I`m sure they`re fantastic. I`ll never be accused of being the handiest guy in the world, to put it mildly. The thought of taking a drill to my rifle stocks makes me break out in a cold sweat !! Tinkering with things, particularly things that already work pretty well ( taking things apart...